Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice; If thou seek her as silver, and, like hid treasure, thou search for her, Then, shalt thou understand the reverence of Yahweh, and, the knowledge of God, shalt thou find.

Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding, Do not forget, neither decline thou from the sayings of my mouth.

The heart of the intelligent, seeketh knowledge, but, the mouth of dullards, feedeth on folly.

Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice; If thou seek her as silver, and, like hid treasure, thou search for her, Then, shalt thou understand the reverence of Yahweh, and, the knowledge of God, shalt thou find.

Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding, Do not forget, neither decline thou from the sayings of my mouth.

The heart of the intelligent, seeketh knowledge, but, the mouth of dullards, feedeth on folly.

I counsel thee to buy of me, gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich, - and white raiment, that thou mayest array thyself, and, the shame of thy nakedness, may not be made manifest, - and eye-salve, to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see.

The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a treasure hid in the field, which a man, finding, hid, - and, by reason of his joy, withdraweth and selleth whatsoever he hath, and buyeth that field.

But the prudent, answered, saying - Lest once, by any means, there be not enough for us and you, be going rather unto them that sell, and buy for yourselves

For this cause, do I love thy commandments, More than gold, yea than fine gold!

Better to me, is the law of thy mouth, than thousands of gold and silver.

Joyful am I over thy word, Like the finder of spoil in abundance.

For this cause, do I love thy commandments, More than gold, yea than fine gold!

Better to me, is the law of thy mouth, than thousands of gold and silver.

Joyful am I over thy word, Like the finder of spoil in abundance.

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.