Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

For forty years I was grieved with this generation. I said: It is a people who go astray in their hearts, and they have not known my ways.

Our fathers in Egypt did not understand your wonders. They did not remember your abundant kindnesses. But they rebelled by the Red Sea. Nevertheless he saved them for the sake of his name that he might make his power known. So he rebuked the Red Sea and it dried up, and he led them through the deeps, as through the wilderness. read more.
He saved them from the hand of the one who hated them and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. The waters covered their adversaries and not one of them was left. Then they believed his words. They sang His praise. They quickly forgot his works and they did not wait for his counsel. They had an unreasonable desire for food in the wilderness. In the desert they tested God. He gave them what they asked for. He also gave them a degenerative disease. In the camp certain men became envious of Moses. They also became envious of Aaron, Jehovah's holy one. The ground split open and swallowed Dathan. It buried Abiram's followers. A fire broke out among their followers. Flames burned up wicked people. At Mount Horeb they made a statue of a calf. They worshiped an idol made of metal. They traded their glorious God for the statue of a bull that eats grass. They forgot the God of their salvation, the one who did spectacular things in Egypt, miracles in the land of Ham, and terrifying things at the Red Sea. God said he was going to destroy them, but Moses, his chosen one, stood in his way to prevent him from exterminating them. They refused to enter the pleasant land. They did not believe what he said. They complained in their tents. They did not obey Jehovah. Raising his hand, he swore that he would kill them in the wilderness, kill their descendants among the nations, and scatter them throughout various lands. They joined in worshiping the god Baal while they were at Peor. They ate what was sacrificed to the dead. They infuriated God by what they did, and a plague broke out among them. Phinehas stood between God and the people, and the plague was stopped. Because of this, Phinehas was considered righteous forever, throughout every generation. They made God angry by the water at Meribah. Things turned out badly for Moses because of what they did. They made him bitter so that he spoke recklessly. They did not destroy the people as Jehovah had told them. Instead, they intermarried with other nations. They learned to do what other nations did. They worshiped their idols, which became a trap for them. They sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their own sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. The land became polluted with blood. They became filthy because of what they did. They behaved like prostitutes.

Instead, they intermarried with other nations. They learned to do what other nations did.

Instead, they intermarried with other nations. They learned to do what other nations did. They worshiped their idols, which became a trap for them.

A fool's lips want to argue. His mouth calls for blows. A fool's mouth is his ruin. His lips are the snares of his life.

An angel of Jehovah came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said: I led you out of Egypt and brought you to the land about which I swore to your fathers that I would never break my covenant with you. You will make no covenant with people of this land. You will throw down their altars. You have not obeyed my voice. Why have you done this? I also said: 'I will not drive them out from before you. They will be thorns in your sides. Their gods will snare (trap) you.'

Instead, they intermarried with other nations. They learned to do what other nations did. They worshiped their idols, which became a trap for them.

Destroy all the peoples whom Jehovah your God gives you. Do not look at them with pity. Do not serve their gods. For that would be a snare to you.

I will make the borders of your land extend from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Mediterranean Sea and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give you power over the inhabitants of the land. You will drive them out as you advance. Do not make any agreement with them or with their gods. Do not allow them to live in your land for they will make you sin against me. If you serve their gods it will be a snare to you.

I will force out the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. You must do what I command you today. Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going. It will become a snare in your midst.

Take heed of yourselves to love Jehovah your God. If you are disloyal and join with the nations that are still left among you and intermarry with them, Jehovah your God will no longer drive these nations out as you advance. Rather, they will be as dangerous for you as a trap or a pit and as painful as a whip on your back or thorns in your eyes. This will last until none of you are left in this good land that Jehovah your God gave you.