Thematic Bible: The second, of treason

Thematic Bible

They answered, “If He were not a criminal, we would not have handed Him over to you [for judgment].”

As a result of this, Pilate kept making efforts to release Him, but the Jews kept screaming, “If you release this Man, you are no friend of Caesar! Anyone who makes himself out [to be] a king opposes Caesar [and rebels against the emperor]!”

Now Jesus stood before [Pilate] the governor, and the governor asked Him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” [In affirmation] Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.”

So Pilate went into the Praetorium again, and called Jesus and asked Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”

And above His head they put the accusation against Him which read, “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”

Pilate questioned Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?” And He replied to him, “It is as you say.”

The inscription of the accusation against Him had been written [above Him]: “THE KING OF THE JEWS.”

And they began to accuse Him, asserting, We found this Man perverting (misleading, corrupting, and turning away) our nation and forbidding to pay tribute to Caesar, saying that He Himself is Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), a King! So Pilate asked Him, Are You the King of the Jews? And He answered him, [ It is just as] you say. [I Am.]

And Pilate also wrote a title (an inscription on a placard) and put it on the cross. And the writing was: Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews. And many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, [and] in Greek. Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, Do not write, The King of the Jews, but, He said, I am King of the Jews. read more.
Pilate replied, What I have written, I have written.