Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi.

Bible References

An house

1 Kings 13:24
Now when he had gone, a lion met him on the way and killed him, and his body was thrown on the road, with the donkey standing beside it; the lion also was standing beside the body.
Deuteronomy 24:15
You shall give him his wages on his day before the sun sets, for he is poor and sets his heart on it; so that he will not cry against you to the Lord and it become sin in you.
Ezekiel 16:25
You built yourself a high place at the top of every street and made your beauty abominable, and you spread your legs to every passer-by to multiply your harlotry.
Hosea 12:11
Is there iniquity in Gilead?
Surely they are worthless.
In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls,
Yes, their altars are like the stone heaps
Beside the furrows of the field.


1 Kings 13:33
After this event Jeroboam did not return from his evil way, but again he made priests of the high places from among all the people; any who would, he ordained, to be priests of the high places.
Numbers 3:10
So you shall appoint Aaron and his sons that they may keep their priesthood, but the layman who comes near shall be put to death.”
2 Kings 17:32
They also feared the Lord and appointed from among themselves priests of the high places, who acted for them in the houses of the high places.
2 Chronicles 11:14
For the Levites left their pasture lands and their property and came to Judah and Jerusalem, for Jeroboam and his sons had excluded them from serving as priests to the Lord.
2 Chronicles 13:9
Have you not driven out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron and the Levites, and made for yourselves priests like the peoples of other lands? Whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams, even he may become a priest of what are no gods.
Ezekiel 44:6
You shall say to the rebellious ones, to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Enough of all your abominations, O house of Israel,