1 Thessalonians 2:2
At Philippi, as you know, we had been ill-treated and insulted, but we took courage and confidence in our God to tell you the gospel of God in spite of all the strain.
Acts 16:22-24
The crowd also joined in the attack upon them, while the praetors, after having them stripped and after ordering them to be flogged with rods,
Acts 4:13
They were astonished to notice how outspoken Peter and John were, and to discover that they were uncultured persons and mere outsiders; they recognized them as having been companions of Jesus,
Acts 17:2-9
and Paul as usual went in; for three sabbaths he argued with them on the scriptures,
2 Timothy 1:12
and this is why I am suffering. Still, I am not ashamed of it; I know whom I have trusted and I am certain he is able to keep what I have put into his hands till the great Day.
Acts 4:20
Certainly we cannot give up speaking of what we have seen and heard."
Acts 4:31
At their prayer the place of meeting was shaken, and they were all filled with the holy Spirit, speaking God's word fearlessly;
Acts 5:41
The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy of suffering dishonour for the sake of the Name;
Acts 6:9-10
Some of those who belonged to the so-called synagogue of the Libyans, the Cyrenians, and the Alexandrians, as well as to that of the Cilicians and Asiatics, started a dispute with Stephen,
Acts 14:3
Here they spent a considerable time, speaking fearlessly about the Lord, who attested the word of his grace by allowing signs and wonders to be performed by them.
Acts 15:1-2
But certain individuals came down from Jerusalem and taught the brothers that "unless you get circumcised after the custom of Moses you cannot be saved."
Acts 16:12
We then came to the Roman colony of Philippi, which is the foremost town of the district of Macedonia. In this town we spent some days.
Acts 16:37
But Paul replied, "They flogged us in public and without a trial, flogged Roman citizens! They put us in prison, and now they are going to get rid of us secretly! No indeed! Let them come here themselves and take us out!"
Acts 17:17
He argued in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout proselytes and also in the marketplace daily with those who chanced to be present.
Acts 19:8
Then Paul entered the synagogue and for three months spoke out fearlessly, arguing and persuading people about the Reign of God.
Ephesians 6:19-20
and on my behalf also, that I may be allowed to speak and open my lips in order to expound fully and freely that open secret of the gospel
Philippians 1:27-30
Only, do lead a life that is worthy of the gospel of Christ. Whether I come and see you or only hear of you in absence, let me know you are standing firm in a common spirit, fighting side by side like one man for the faith of the gospel.
Colossians 2:1
Striving? Yes, I want you to understand my deep concern for you and for those at Laodicea, for all who have never seen my face.
1 Thessalonians 1:5
for our gospel came to you not with mere words but also with power and with the holy Spirit, with ample conviction on our part (you know what we were to you, for your own good),
Hebrews 11:36-37
others, again, had to experience scoffs and scourging, aye chains and imprisonment ??37 they were stoned, sawn in two, and cut to pieces; they had to roam about in sheepskins and goatskins, forlorn, oppressed, ill-treated
Hebrews 12:2-3
our eyes fixed upon Jesus as the pioneer and the perfection of faith ??upon Jesus who, in order to reach his own appointed joy, steadily endured the cross, thinking nothing of its shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
1 Peter 2:14-16
and to governors as deputed by him for the punishment of wrongdoers and the encouragement of honest people ??15 for it is the will of God that by your honest lives you should silence the ignorant charges of foolish persons.
Jude 1:3
Beloved, my whole concern was to write to you on the subject of our common salvation, but I am forced to write you an appeal to defend the faith which has once for all been committed to the saints;