Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


2 Chronicles 32:13
You have heard what my ancestors and I have done to other nations. Were the gods of those nations able to defend their land against us?
1 Samuel 17:36
I have killed lions and bears. I will do the same to this heathen Philistine. He has defied the army of the living God.
Job 15:25
He shakes his fist at God and vaunts (brags) (shows off) himself against the Almighty,
Psalm 10:13
Why does the wicked person despise God? Why does he say in his heart: God does not require it?
Psalm 73:8
They ridicule. They speak maliciously. They speak arrogantly about oppression.
Psalm 139:19
If you would destroy the wicked, O God, depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed.

The god

2 Chronicles 6:6
Now I have chosen Jerusalem to be a place for my name. I have chosen David to rule my people Israel.
Psalm 76:1
([Psalm of Asaph]) God is known in Judah. His name is great in Israel.
Psalm 78:68
but he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion he loved.
Psalm 87:1
([Psalm of Korah]) His foundation is in the holy mountains.
Psalm 132:13
Jehovah has chosen Zion. He wants it for his home.
Isaiah 14:32
What then will one answer the messengers that come to us from Philistia? We will tell them that Jehovah has established Zion and in her the poor and afflicted of his people find refuge.
Hebrews 12:22
You have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads (thousands of thousands) of angels,

The work

Deuteronomy 4:28
You will serve gods that are the work of men's hands. Made of wood and stone. They cannot see, hear, eat or smell.
Deuteronomy 27:15
Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image. It is an abomination to Jehovah! It is the secret work of the hands of the craftsman. All the people will answer: Amen.
2 Kings 19:18
They threw the gods from these countries into fires because these gods are not real gods. They are only wooden and stone statues made by human hands. So the Assyrians have destroyed them.
Psalm 135:15
The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of man's hands.
Isaiah 2:8
Their land is full of idols. They worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.
Isaiah 37:19
They have thrown their gods into the fire and destroyed them. But they were not gods! They were only wood and stone, fashioned by human hands.
Isaiah 44:16
Half of the wood they burn in the fire. Over this half they roast meat that they can eat until they are full. They also warm themselves and say: We are warm. We can see the fire!
Jeremiah 1:16
I will pronounce judgment against my people because of all their wickedness. They abandoned me. They burned incense to other gods. They worshiped what their hands have made.
Jeremiah 10:3
The people's customs are erroneous and empty. It is wood cut from the forest. It is the work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool.
Jeremiah 32:30
Ever since they were young, the people of Israel and Judah have done what I consider evil. The people of Israel have made me furious by what they have done,' says Jehovah.
Hosea 8:5
Get rid of your calf-shaped idol, Samaria. My anger burns against these people! How long will they remain unclean?

General references

2 Kings 19:10
Tell King Hezekiah of Judah: 'Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you by saying that Jerusalem will not be put under the control of the king of Assyria.