Acts 13:12

Then the proconsul, seeing what was done, believed, being amazed at the teaching of the Lord.

Acts 13:7

and he was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, who was a man of intelligence. This man called for Barnabas and Saul, and expressed an earnest wish to hear the word of God.

Matthew 7:28-29

And it came to pass when Jesus had ended these words, that the multitudes were astonished at his teaching:

Matthew 27:54

Now the centurion, and those who were with him watching Jesus, when they saw the earthquake, and what was done, were greatly afraid, and said: Of a truth, this was the Son of God.

Luke 4:22

And all extolled him; and they wondered at the words of grace which proceeded out of his mouth, and said: Is not this the son of Joseph?

Luke 7:16

And fear seized on all; and they glorified God, saying: A great prophet has arisen among us; and, God has visited his people.

John 7:46

The attendants answered: Never did man speak like this man.

Acts 6:10

And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke.

Acts 13:49

And the word of the Lord was published throughout the whole of that region.

Acts 15:35

Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching, with many others, the word of the Lord.

Acts 19:7

And all the men were about twelve.

Acts 28:7

Among the estates about that place were those of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius, who took us to his house, and, for three days, entertained us kindly.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

(for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty, through God, for the overthrowing of strongholds,)

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord.

Bible References


Acts 19:7
And all the men were about twelve.
Matthew 27:54
Now the centurion, and those who were with him watching Jesus, when they saw the earthquake, and what was done, were greatly afraid, and said: Of a truth, this was the Son of God.
Luke 7:16
And fear seized on all; and they glorified God, saying: A great prophet has arisen among us; and, God has visited his people.


Acts 6:10
And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke.
Matthew 7:28
And it came to pass when Jesus had ended these words, that the multitudes were astonished at his teaching:
Luke 4:22
And all extolled him; and they wondered at the words of grace which proceeded out of his mouth, and said: Is not this the son of Joseph?
John 7:46
The attendants answered: Never did man speak like this man.
2 Corinthians 10:4
(for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty, through God, for the overthrowing of strongholds,)