Acts 14:2

But the disobedient Jews stirred up the souls of the Gentiles, and embittered them against them against the brothers.

Acts 13:50

But the Jews urged on the devout women of high rank, and the leading citizens, and stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of the district,

Acts 13:45

When they saw the crowds, the Jews were filled with jealousy, and began to contradict Paul's statements, and to abuse him.

Acts 14:19

And now a party of Jews came down form Antioch and Iconium, and after persuading the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.

Mark 15:10-11

For he recognized that it was through spite that the high priests had handed him over.

John 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who disobeys the Son shall not see life, but he who disobeys the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides upon him."

Acts 17:5

But the Jews, moved with jealousy, called to their aid certain ill-favored and idle fellows, formed a mob, and began to set the town in an uproar. Assaulting the house of Jason, they sought to bring them out to the people.

Acts 17:13

As soon as the Jews in Thessalonica learned that the word of God was preached by Paul in Berea also, they came there, and stirred up and troubled the crowds.

Acts 18:12

But when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews with one accord rose against Paul, and brought him before the tribunal.

Acts 21:27-30

But when the seven days were almost over, the Asiatic Jews caught sight of him in the temple, and began to stir up all the crowd, and laid hands on him, shouting.

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