Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.

Bible References


Acts 8:2
and some devout men who carried Stephen to his burial, making great lamentation over him.
Acts 10:2
and was a proselyte, together with all his family: he gave much alms to the people, and was assiduous in his prayers to God.
Acts 13:16
thereupon Paul stood up, and having made sign with his hand for their attention, he said, men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.


Matthew 5:1
Jesus, to avoid this crowd of people, went to a mountain: and when he was set down, his disciples came to him.
Mark 16:15
Then he said to them, go ye into all parts of the world, and preach the gospel to all mankind.
Luke 12:3
whatever you have utter'd in the dark, shall be brought to light: and what you have whisper'd in a closet, shall be proclaim'd upon the house top.
2 Timothy 3:2
for men will be selfish, avaricious, vain, proud, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful,