Acts 17:21
now the Athenians, and the foreigners residing at Athens generally amus'd themselves about nothing, but hearing and spreading of news.
Ephesians 5:16
weighing the circumstances of the season, because the times are dangerous.
Colossians 4:5
Be prudent in your conduct to those, who are not christians: and make the best of of every opportunity.
2 Thessalonians 3:11-12
now being inform'd, that there are among you people of an irregular conduct, who neglect their own business, and busy themselves with the affairs of others:
1 Timothy 5:13
besides, having nothing to do, they get the habit of rambling from one house to another, and are not only idling, but prattle and intermeddle, and utter what is not decent.
2 Timothy 2:16-17
discountenance such as hold vain irreligious discourse; for they will grow bold in impiety,