Acts 26:18

to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from Satan's control to God, so that they may have their sins forgiven and have a place among those who are consecrated through faith in me.'

Acts 20:32

Now I commit you to the Lord, and to the message of his favor, which will build you up and give you a place among those whom God has consecrated.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the consecrated nation, his own people, so that you may declare the virtues of him who has called you out of darkness into his wonderful light;

Luke 24:47

and that repentance leading to the forgiveness of sins should be preached to all the heathen in his name.

Acts 2:38

Peter said to them, "You must repent, and every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, in order to have your sins forgiven; then you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit,

Ephesians 5:8

For once you were sheer darkness, but now, as Christians, you are light itself. You must live like children of light,

Acts 5:31

God took him up to his right hand as our leader and savior, in order to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.

2 Corinthians 4:6

For God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in my heart, to give me the light of the knowledge of God's glory, that is on the face of Christ.

Ephesians 1:18

enlightening the eyes of your mind so that you may know what the hope is to which he calls you, and how gloriously rich his inheritance is among God's people,

Acts 15:9

making no difference between us and them, but cleansing their hearts by faith.

Acts 20:21

but earnestly urged Greeks as well as Jews to turn to God in repentance and to believe in our Lord Jesus.

Matthew 4:16

The people that were living in darkness Have seen a great light, And on those who were living in the land of the shadow of death A light has dawned!"

Matthew 6:22-23

The eye is the lamp of the body. If then your eye is sound, your whole body will be light,

Luke 1:77

Bringing his people the knowledge of salvation Through the forgiveness of their sins.

Luke 1:79

To shine on men who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, And guide our feet into the way of peace."

Luke 2:32

A light of revelation for the heathen, And a glory to your people Israel!"

Luke 4:18

"The spirit of the Lord is upon me, For he has consecrated me to preach the good news to the poor, He has sent me to announce to the prisoners their release and to the blind the recovery of their sight, To set the down-trodden at liberty,

Luke 11:21-22

When a strong man fully armed guards his own dwelling, his property is undisturbed.

Luke 24:45

Then he opened their minds to the understanding of the Scriptures,

John 1:4-9

It was by him that life came into existence, and that life was the light of mankind.

John 3:19

And the basis of the judgment is this, that the light has come into the world, and yet, because their actions were wicked, men have loved the darkness more than the light.

John 4:10

Jesus answered, "If you knew what God has to give, and who it is that said to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water."

John 4:14

but anyone who drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty, but the water that I will give him will become a spring of water within him, bubbling up for eternal life."

John 7:38-39

If anyone believes in me, streams of living water, as the Scripture says, shall flow forth from his heart."

John 8:12

Then Jesus spoke to them again and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not have to walk in darkness but will have the light of life."

John 9:5

As long as I am in the world, I am a light for the world."

John 9:39

And Jesus said, "I have come into this world to judge men, that those who cannot see may see, and that those who can see may become blind."

John 12:35-36

Jesus said to them, "You will have the light only a little while longer. Go on while you still have the light, so that darkness may not overtake you, for those who go about in the dark do not know where they are going.

John 17:17

Consecrate them by truth. Your message is truth.

Acts 3:19

So repent and turn to God, to have your sins wiped out, and happier times will come from the presence of the Lord,

Acts 9:17-18

Ananias set out and went to the house, and there he laid his hands upon Saul, and said to him, "Saul, my brother, I have been sent by the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your journey, so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the holy Spirit."

Acts 10:43

It is of him that all the prophets bear witness that everyone that believes in him will have his sins forgiven in his name."

Acts 13:38-39

You must understand therefore, my brothers, that through him the forgiveness of your sins is announced to you,

Acts 13:47

For these are the orders the Lord has given us: " 'I have made you a light for the heathen, To be the means of salvation to the very ends of the earth!' "

Acts 26:23

if the Christ was to suffer and by being the first to rise from the dead was to proclaim the light to our people and to the heathen."

Romans 4:6-9

So David himself says of the happiness of those to whom God credits uprightness without any reference to their actions,

Romans 5:1-2

So as we have been made upright by faith, let us live in peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Romans 8:17

and if children, heirs also; heirs of God, and fellow-heirs with Christ, if we really share his sufferings in order to share his glory too.

1 Corinthians 1:2

to the church of God at Corinth, to those who are consecrated by union with Christ Jesus, and called as God's people, like all those anywhere who call on the name of Jesus Christ, their Lord as well as ours;

1 Corinthians 1:30

But you are his children, through your union with Christ Jesus, whom God has made our wisdom??ur uprightness and consecration and redemption,

1 Corinthians 6:10-11

or thieves or greedy??runkards, abusive people, robbers??ill not have any share in God's kingdom.

2 Corinthians 4:4

In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep the light of the good news of the glorious Christ, the likeness of God, from dawning upon them.

2 Corinthians 6:14

Do not get into close and incongruous relations with unbelievers. What partnership can uprightness have with iniquity, or what can light have to do with darkness?

Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me. The life I am now living in the body I am living by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 3:2

This is all I want to ask you: Did you receive the Spirit through doing what the Law commands, or through believing the message you heard?

Galatians 3:14

in order that the blessing given to Abraham might through Jesus Christ reach the heathen, so that through faith we might receive the promised Spirit.

Ephesians 1:7

It is through union with him and through his blood that we have been delivered and our offenses forgiven,

Ephesians 1:14

which is the advance installment of our inheritance, so that we may get full possession of it, and praise his glory for it.

Ephesians 2:8

For it is by his mercy that you have been saved through faith. It is not by your own action, it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 4:18

They are estranged from the life of God because of the ignorance that exists among them and their obstinacy of heart,

Ephesians 5:14

So it says, "Wake up, sleeper! Rise from the dead, And Christ will dawn upon you!"

Colossians 1:12-14

and you will thank the Father who has entitled you to share the lot of God's people in the realm of light.

1 Thessalonians 5:4-8

But you are not in darkness, brothers, so that that Day should surprise you like thieves.

2 Timothy 2:26

and they may yet return to their senses and escape from the toils of the devil, who has caught them to make them do his will.

Titus 3:5-6

he saved us, not for any upright actions we had performed, but from his own mercy, through the bath of regeneration and renewal by the holy Spirit,

Hebrews 2:14-15

Therefore since these children referred to have the same mortal nature, Jesus also shared it, like them, in order that by his death he might dethrone the lord of death, the devil,

Hebrews 9:15

And this is why he is the negotiator of a new agreement, in order that as someone has died to deliver them from the offenses committed under the old agreement, those who have been offered it may receive the unending inheritance they have been promised.

Hebrews 10:10

And it is through his doing of God's will that we have been once for all purified from sin through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ in sacrifice.

Hebrews 10:14

For by that one sacrifice he has forever qualified those who are purified from sin to approach God.

Hebrews 11:6

but without faith it is impossible to please him; for whoever would approach God must have faith in his existence and in his willingness to reward those who try to find him.

James 2:5

Listen, my dear brothers. Has not God chosen the world's poor to be rich in faith, and to possess the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?

1 Peter 1:4

and to an imperishable, unsullied, and unfading inheritance, which is kept safe for you in heaven,

1 Peter 2:25

For you were astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.

1 John 1:9

If we acknowledge our sins, he is upright and can be depended on to forgive our sins and cleanse us from everything wrong.

1 John 2:8-9

Yet it is a new command that I am writing you; it is newly realized in him and in yourselves, for the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.

1 John 2:12

I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven for his sake.

1 John 3:8

Whoever commits sin is a child of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. This is why the Son of God appeared??o undo the devil's work.

1 John 5:19

We know that we are children of God, while the whole world is under the power of the evil one.

Jude 1:1

Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ, and the brother of James, to those who have been called, who are dear to God the Father and have been kept through union with Jesus Christ;

Revelation 20:2-3

He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,

Revelation 21:27

Nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who indulges in abominable practices and falsehoods, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Acts 9:17
Ananias set out and went to the house, and there he laid his hands upon Saul, and said to him, "Saul, my brother, I have been sent by the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your journey, so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the holy Spirit."
Luke 4:18
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me, For he has consecrated me to preach the good news to the poor, He has sent me to announce to the prisoners their release and to the blind the recovery of their sight, To set the down-trodden at liberty,
Luke 24:45
Then he opened their minds to the understanding of the Scriptures,
John 9:39
And Jesus said, "I have come into this world to judge men, that those who cannot see may see, and that those who can see may become blind."
2 Corinthians 4:4
In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep the light of the good news of the glorious Christ, the likeness of God, from dawning upon them.
Ephesians 1:18
enlightening the eyes of your mind so that you may know what the hope is to which he calls you, and how gloriously rich his inheritance is among God's people,

And to

Acts 26:23
if the Christ was to suffer and by being the first to rise from the dead was to proclaim the light to our people and to the heathen."
Acts 13:47
For these are the orders the Lord has given us: " 'I have made you a light for the heathen, To be the means of salvation to the very ends of the earth!' "
Matthew 4:16
The people that were living in darkness Have seen a great light, And on those who were living in the land of the shadow of death A light has dawned!"
Matthew 6:22
The eye is the lamp of the body. If then your eye is sound, your whole body will be light,
Luke 1:79
To shine on men who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, And guide our feet into the way of peace."
Luke 2:32
A light of revelation for the heathen, And a glory to your people Israel!"
John 1:4
It was by him that life came into existence, and that life was the light of mankind.
John 3:19
And the basis of the judgment is this, that the light has come into the world, and yet, because their actions were wicked, men have loved the darkness more than the light.
John 8:12
Then Jesus spoke to them again and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not have to walk in darkness but will have the light of life."
John 9:5
As long as I am in the world, I am a light for the world."
John 12:35
Jesus said to them, "You will have the light only a little while longer. Go on while you still have the light, so that darkness may not overtake you, for those who go about in the dark do not know where they are going.
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in my heart, to give me the light of the knowledge of God's glory, that is on the face of Christ.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not get into close and incongruous relations with unbelievers. What partnership can uprightness have with iniquity, or what can light have to do with darkness?
Ephesians 1:18
enlightening the eyes of your mind so that you may know what the hope is to which he calls you, and how gloriously rich his inheritance is among God's people,
Ephesians 4:18
They are estranged from the life of God because of the ignorance that exists among them and their obstinacy of heart,
Ephesians 5:8
For once you were sheer darkness, but now, as Christians, you are light itself. You must live like children of light,
1 Thessalonians 5:4
But you are not in darkness, brothers, so that that Day should surprise you like thieves.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the consecrated nation, his own people, so that you may declare the virtues of him who has called you out of darkness into his wonderful light;
1 John 2:8
Yet it is a new command that I am writing you; it is newly realized in him and in yourselves, for the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.

And from

Luke 11:21
When a strong man fully armed guards his own dwelling, his property is undisturbed.
Colossians 1:13
He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us into the realm of his dear Son,
2 Timothy 2:26
and they may yet return to their senses and escape from the toils of the devil, who has caught them to make them do his will.
Hebrews 2:14
Therefore since these children referred to have the same mortal nature, Jesus also shared it, like them, in order that by his death he might dethrone the lord of death, the devil,
1 John 3:8
Whoever commits sin is a child of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. This is why the Son of God appeared??o undo the devil's work.
1 John 5:19
We know that we are children of God, while the whole world is under the power of the evil one.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the consecrated nation, his own people, so that you may declare the virtues of him who has called you out of darkness into his wonderful light;
Revelation 20:2
He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,


Acts 20:32
Now I commit you to the Lord, and to the message of his favor, which will build you up and give you a place among those whom God has consecrated.
Romans 8:17
and if children, heirs also; heirs of God, and fellow-heirs with Christ, if we really share his sufferings in order to share his glory too.
Colossians 1:12
and you will thank the Father who has entitled you to share the lot of God's people in the realm of light.
Hebrews 9:15
And this is why he is the negotiator of a new agreement, in order that as someone has died to deliver them from the offenses committed under the old agreement, those who have been offered it may receive the unending inheritance they have been promised.
James 2:5
Listen, my dear brothers. Has not God chosen the world's poor to be rich in faith, and to possess the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?
1 Peter 1:4
and to an imperishable, unsullied, and unfading inheritance, which is kept safe for you in heaven,


Acts 20:32
Now I commit you to the Lord, and to the message of his favor, which will build you up and give you a place among those whom God has consecrated.
John 17:17
Consecrate them by truth. Your message is truth.
1 Corinthians 1:2
to the church of God at Corinth, to those who are consecrated by union with Christ Jesus, and called as God's people, like all those anywhere who call on the name of Jesus Christ, their Lord as well as ours;
1 Corinthians 6:11
Some of you used to be like that; but you have washed it all away, you have been consecrated, you have become upright, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and through the Spirit of our God.
Titus 3:5
he saved us, not for any upright actions we had performed, but from his own mercy, through the bath of regeneration and renewal by the holy Spirit,
Hebrews 10:10
And it is through his doing of God's will that we have been once for all purified from sin through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ in sacrifice.
Jude 1:1
Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ, and the brother of James, to those who have been called, who are dear to God the Father and have been kept through union with Jesus Christ;
Revelation 21:27
Nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who indulges in abominable practices and falsehoods, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life.


Acts 15:9
making no difference between us and them, but cleansing their hearts by faith.
John 4:10
Jesus answered, "If you knew what God has to give, and who it is that said to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water."
John 7:38
If anyone believes in me, streams of living water, as the Scripture says, shall flow forth from his heart."
Romans 5:1
So as we have been made upright by faith, let us live in peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me. The life I am now living in the body I am living by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 3:2
This is all I want to ask you: Did you receive the Spirit through doing what the Law commands, or through believing the message you heard?
Ephesians 2:8
For it is by his mercy that you have been saved through faith. It is not by your own action, it is the gift of God.
Hebrews 11:6
but without faith it is impossible to please him; for whoever would approach God must have faith in his existence and in his willingness to reward those who try to find him.

General references

Matthew 13:16
But blessed are your eyes, for they do see, and your ears, for they do hear.
Luke 5:32
I have not come to invite the pious but the irreligious to repentance!"
Luke 24:45
Then he opened their minds to the understanding of the Scriptures,
1 Thessalonians 5:5
You all belong to the light and the day. We have nothing to do with night or with darkness.