Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
He changeth
He removeth
He giveth
General references
Bible References
He changeth
Daniel 2:9
that if you do not make the dream known to me, there is only one decree for you. For you have agreed together to speak lying and corrupt words before me until the situation is changed; therefore tell me the dream, that I may know that you can declare to me its interpretation.”
Daniel 7:25
He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.
Daniel 11:6
After some years they will form an alliance, and the daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to carry out a peaceful arrangement. But she will not retain her position of power, nor will he remain with his power, but she will be given up, along with those who brought her in and the one who sired her as well as he who supported her in those times.
1 Chronicles 29:30
with all his reign, his power, and the circumstances which came on him, on Israel, and on all the kingdoms of the lands.
Esther 1:13
Then the king said to the wise men who understood the times—for it was the custom of the king so to speak before all who knew law and justice
Job 34:24 “He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry,
And sets others in their place.
And sets others in their place.
Psalm 31:14 But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord,
I say, “You are my God.”
I say, “
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—
Jeremiah 27:5
“I have made the earth, the men and the beasts which are on the face of the earth by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is pleasing in My sight.
He removeth
Daniel 4:17 “This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers
And the decision is a command of the holy ones,
In order that the living mayknow
That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind,
Andbestows it on whom He wishes
And sets over it thelowliest of men.”
And the decision is a command of the holy ones,
In order that the living may
That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind,
And sets over it the
1 Samuel 2:7 “The Lord makes poor and rich;
He brings low, He also exalts.
Job 12:18 “He loosens the bond of kings
And binds their loins with a girdle.
And binds their loins with a girdle.
Psalm 75:5 Do not lift up your horn on high,
Do not speak with insolent pride.’”
Psalm 113:7 He raises the poor from the dust
And lifts the needy from the ash heap,
And lifts the needy from the ash heap,
Proverbs 8:15 “By me kings reign,
And rulers decree justice.
And rulers decree justice.
Luke 1:51 “He has done mighty deeds with His arm;
He has scattered those who were proud in thethoughts of their heart.
He has scattered those who were proud in the
Acts 13:21
Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years.
Revelation 19:16
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
He giveth
Exodus 31:3
I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship,
1 Kings 3:8 Your servant is in the midst of Your people which You have chosen, a great people who are too many to be numbered or counted.
1 Kings 4:29
Now God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind, like the sand that is on the seashore.
1 Kings 10:24
All the earth was seeking the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom which God had put in his heart.
1 Chronicles 22:12 Only the Lord give you discretion and understanding, and give you charge over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God.
2 Chronicles 1:10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great people of Yours?”
Proverbs 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Luke 21:15 for I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.
1 Corinthians 1:30
But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,
James 1:5
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 3:15
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic.
General references
Job 12:18 “He loosens the bond of kings
And binds their loins with a girdle.
And binds their loins with a girdle.