Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

In thy bedchamber

Bible References


Exodus 22:28
Do not curse God. Do not curse a ruler of your people.
Isaiah 8:21
They will pass through the land when they are hard-pressed (destressed) and hungry. When they are hungry, they will be furious. Then they will look up and curse their king and God.
Acts 23:5
Then Paul said, I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest. It is written: You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.


Ecclesiastes 7:21
Do not pay attention to everything that is said lest you hear your servant curse you.
Luke 19:40
He answered: I tell you if these remain quiet the stones will cry out!

In thy bedchamber

Luke 10:40
Martha was worried about the housework. She approached Jesus and said: Lord do you not care that my sister does not help me? Tell her to help me.
Luke 12:2
Everything covered up will be revealed. Everything hidden will be made known.