Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you.
Do not, etc
General references
Bible References
Do not, etc
Genesis 41:15
"I've had a dream," Pharaoh told Joseph, "but nobody can interpret it. I've heard that you can interpret dreams."
Job 33:15
in a dream or night vision, when a deep sleep falls on mankind while they sleep on their beds.
Psalm 25:14
The intimate counsel of the LORD is for those who fear him so they may know his covenant.
Isaiah 8:19
"So when they advise you, "Ask the mediums your questions, and quiz the spiritists who chirp and mutter,' shouldn't a people instead be consulting their God and not the dead on behalf of those who are living
Daniel 2:11
Furthermore, what the king is asking is so difficult that no one can reveal it except the gods and they don't live with human beings."
Daniel 4:8
Eventually, Daniel appeared before me. (He is called Belteshazzar, in accordance with the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is within him.) I told him my dream:
Daniel 5:11
There's a man in your kingdom in whom dwells the spirit of the holy gods. During your grandfather's reign, he was found to have insight, intelligence, and wisdom, like that of the gods. Your grandfather, King Nebuchadnezzar your kingly predecessor appointed him to be chief administrator over the magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers,
1 Corinthians 12:10
to another miraculous results; to another prophecy; to another the ability to distinguish between spirits; to another various kinds of languages; and to another the interpretation of languages.
Amos 3:7
"Truly the Lord GOD will do nothing he has mentioned without revealing his purposes to his servants the prophets.
General references
Genesis 40:5
Then the two of them each had a dream. They both had their dreams the same night, and there were separate interpretations for each dream the senior security advisor and the head chef to the king of Egypt, who had confined them in prison.
Genesis 41:11
We each had a dream on the same night, and each dream had its own meaning.
Daniel 2:3
the king told them, "I have dreamed a dream and I will remain troubled until I can understand it."