Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But, O LORD of hosts, that triest the righteous, and seest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I opened my cause.

General references

Bible References


Jeremiah 17:10
I the Lord am the searcher of the heart, the tester of the thoughts, so that I may give to every man the reward of his ways, in keeping with the fruit of his doings.
Psalm 7:9
O let the evil of the evil-doer come to an end, but give strength to the upright: for men's minds and hearts are tested by the God of righteousness.
Psalm 11:5
The Lord puts the upright and the sinner to the test, but he has hate in his soul for the lover of violent acts.
Psalm 26:2
Put me in the scales, O Lord, so that I may be tested; let the fire make clean my thoughts and my heart.
Psalm 139:23
O God, let the secrets of my heart be uncovered, and let my wandering thoughts be tested:
Revelation 2:23
And I will put her children to death; and all the churches will see that I am he who makes search into the secret thoughts and hearts of men: and I will give to every one of you the reward of your works.

Let me

Jeremiah 11:20
But, O Lord of armies, judging in righteousness, testing the thoughts and the heart, let me see your punishment come on them: for I have put my cause before you.
Jeremiah 12:8
My heritage has become like a lion in the woodland to me; her voice has been loud against me; so I have hate for her.
Jeremiah 17:18
Let them be put to shame who are attacking me, but let me not be shamed; let them be overcome with fear, but let me not be overcome: send on them the day of evil, and put them to destruction twice over.
Jeremiah 18:19
Give thought to me, O Lord, and give ear to the voice of those who put forward a cause against me.
2 Chronicles 24:22
So King Joash did not keep in mind how good Jehoiada his father had been to him, but put his son to death. And in the hour of his death he said, May the Lord see it and take payment!
Psalm 54:7
Because it has been my saviour from all my trouble; and my eyes have seen the punishment of my haters.
Psalm 59:10
The God of my mercy will go before me: God will let me see my desire effected on my haters.
Psalm 109:6
Put an evil man over him; and let one be placed at his right hand to say evil of him.
Revelation 6:10
And they gave a great cry, saying, How long will it be, O Ruler, holy and true, before you take your place as judge and give punishment for our blood to those on the earth?
Revelation 18:20
Be glad over her, heaven, and you saints, and Apostles, and prophets; because she has been judged by God on your account.
Revelation 19:2
For true and upright are his decisions; for by him has the evil woman been judged, who made the earth unclean with the sins of her body; and he has given her punishment for the blood of his servants.

General references

Psalm 26:2
Put me in the scales, O Lord, so that I may be tested; let the fire make clean my thoughts and my heart.

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain