Jeremiah 4:10
Then said I, "O LORD God, hast thou then deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, 'Ye shall have peace,' and now the sword goeth through their lives?"
Jeremiah 5:12
They have denied the LORD, and said, 'It is not he. Tush, there shall no misfortune come upon us; we shall see neither sword nor hunger.'
Exodus 9:14
or else I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart and upon thy servants and on thy people, that you mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.
1 Kings 22:20-23
And the LORD said, 'Who shall deceive Ahab that he may go and be slain at Ramoth in Gilead?' And one said on this manner and another on that.
Isaiah 30:10
They dare say to the Prophets, "See not," and unto them that be clear of judgment, "Tell us of nothing for to come, but speak friendly words unto us, and preach us false things.
Isaiah 37:35
And I will keep and save the city, sayeth he: for mine own, and for my servant David's sake.'"
Isaiah 63:17
O LORD wherefore hast thou led us out of thy way? Wherefore hast thou hardened our hearts, that we fear thee not? Be at one with us again, for thy servants' sake that are of the generation of thine heritage.
Jeremiah 1:6
Then said I, "Oh LORD God, I cannot speak, for I am yet but young."
Jeremiah 4:18
Thy ways and thy thoughts have brought thee unto this. This is thy own wickedness and disobedience, that hath possessed thine heart.
Jeremiah 6:14
And beside that, they heal the hurt of my people with sweet words, saying, 'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace at all.
Jeremiah 8:11
Nevertheless, they heal the hurt of my people with sweet words, saying, 'Peace, peace,' where there is no peace at all.
Jeremiah 14:13-14
Then answered I, "O LORD God, the prophets say unto them, 'Tush, ye shall see no sword, and no hunger shall come upon you, but the LORD shall give you continual rest in this place.'"
Jeremiah 23:17
They say unto them, that despise me: The LORD hath spoken it, 'Tush, ye shall prosper right well.' And unto all them that walk after the lusts of their own heart, they say, 'Tush, there shall no misfortune happen you.'
Jeremiah 32:17
'O LORD God: It is thou that hast made heaven and earth with thy great power and high arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee.
Lamentations 2:21
{Shin} Young and old lie behind the streets, upon the ground; my maidens and young men are slain with the sword: whom thou in the day of thy wrathful indignation hast put to death. Yea, even thou hast put them to death, and not spared them.
Ezekiel 11:13
Now when I preached, Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died. Then fell I down upon my face, and cried with a loud voice, "O LORD God, wilt thou then utterly destroy all the remnant in Israel?"
Ezekiel 14:9-10
And if that Prophet be deceived, when he telleth him a word: then I the LORD myself have deceived that Prophet, and will stretch forth mine hand upon him, to root him out of my people of Israel:
Romans 1:24
Wherefore God, likewise, gave them up unto their hearts' lusts, unto uncleanness to defile their own bodies between themselves:
Romans 1:26
For this cause, God gave them up unto shameful lusts. For even their women did change the natural use unto the unnatural.
Romans 1:28
And as it seemed not good unto them to be a known of God, even so God delivered them up unto a lewd mind, that they should do those things which were not comely,
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
even him whose coming is by the working of Satan, with all lying power, signs, and wonders: