John 19:40
Then they took the body of Jesus, folding linen about it with the spices, as is the way of the Jews when they put the dead to rest.
John 11:44
And he who was dead came out, with linen bands folded tightly about his hands and feet, and a cloth about his face. Jesus said to them, Make him free and let him go.
Luke 24:12
But Peter got up and went to the place where the body had been put, and looking in he saw nothing but the linen cloths, and he went to his house full of wonder at what had taken place.
John 20:5-7
And looking in, he saw the linen bands on the earth; but he did not go in,
Acts 5:6
And the young men went and made ready his body, and took it out, and put it in the earth.
Matthew 26:12
For in putting this perfume on my body, she did it to make me ready for my last resting-place.