Mark 15:1
As soon as it was down, after the high priests had conferred with the elders and the whole Sanhedrin, they bound Jesus, and took him away, and handed him over to Pilate.
Matthew 27:1-2
And when the morning came, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus, how they might put him to death.
Luke 22:66
When it became the day the elders if the people met with the high priests and the Scribes and had brought before the Sanhedrin, saying.
Acts 3:13
"The God of Abram, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you betrayed and disowned before Pilate, when he had decided to let him go;
Matthew 5:22
but I say to you that he who becomes angry with his brother shall be liable to condemnation by the court; and he who says to his brother 'Raca,' shall be liable to condemnation by the Sanhedrin, while he who curses his brother shall be liable to the Gehenna of Fire.
Matthew 20:18-19
"Look! We are on the way up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn him to death,
Mark 10:33-34
"See," said he, "we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of man will be betrayed to the high priests and the Scribes. They will condemn him to death, and will hand him over to the Gentiles,
Luke 18:32-33
"He will be betrayed to the Gentiles, and be mocked, and shamefully treated, and spit upon;
Luke 23:1-5
Then the whole company rose up and brought him to Pilate,
John 18:28-38
From the house of Caiaphas they took Jesus to the Praetorium, and it was dawn. They themselves would not enter the Praetorium, in order that they might not be ceremonially defiled, but might be able to eat the Passover.
Acts 4:5-6
There was held in Jerusalem, next morning, a meeting of their rulers, the elders and scribes,
Acts 4:25-28
"who saidest through the Holy Spirit, by the lips of thy servant David, our forefather. "Why did the Gentiles rage, And the peoples form futile plans?