Matthew 12:42

The queen of the south will rise up in the judgment with this generation, and condemn it. She came from the ends of the earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon. Someone greater than Solomon is here!

1 Kings 10:1-13

The queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's fame. She traveled to Jerusalem to test him with difficult questions.

2 Chronicles 9:1-12

The QUEEN OF SHEBA heard about Solomon's reputation. So she came to Jerusalem to test him with difficult questions. She arrived with a large group of servants. They had camels carrying spices, a large quantity of gold, and precious stones. When she came to Solomon, she talked with him about everything she had on her mind.

1 Kings 5:12

Jehovah kept his promise and gave Solomon wisdom. There was peace between Hiram and Solomon for they made a treaty with each other.

1 Kings 10:24

They came from all over the earth to see Solomon and to listen to his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

Isaiah 7:14

Therefore Jehovah will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (God with us).

Isaiah 9:6-7

For unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

Matthew 3:17

Then a voice from heaven said: This is my Son whom I love and whom I have approved.

Matthew 12:41

The men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it. After all, they repented at the preaching of Jonah. Yet someone greater than Jonah is here.

Matthew 17:5

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them. A voice came out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.

Luke 11:31-32

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation. She will condemn them for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon and one greater than Solomon is here now.

John 1:14

The Word [Jesus] became flesh (a human being) and lived with us. We saw the glory of the only begotten son from the Father. He was full of loving-kindness and truth.

John 1:18

No man has ever seen God. The only begotten God-like one who is closest to the Father (in the bosom of the Father) tells us about him. (Psalm 8:5)

Acts 8:27-28

He went and an Ethiopian eunuch (government official), a man of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem to worship.

Philippians 2:6-7

He existed in the form (shape and nature) of God but did not try to be equal with God. He did not even consider it!

Hebrews 1:2-4

He has in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, through whom he made the ages (Greek: aion: ages of time, perpetuity, worlds, generations, human entities).

1 Kings 3:9

Give me the wisdom I need to rule your people with justice. Help me know the difference between good and evil. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of yours?

1 Kings 3:12

I will do what you have asked. I will give you more wisdom and understanding than anyone has ever had. There has never been nor will ever be anyone like you.

1 Kings 3:28

The people of Israel heard of Solomon's decision and were all filled with deep respect for him. They knew then that God had given him the wisdom to settle disputes fairly.

1 Kings 4:29

God gave Solomon great wisdom and insight, and knowledge too great to be measured.

1 Kings 4:34

Kings all over the world heard of his wisdom and sent people to listen to the Wisdom of Solomon.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

General references

Bible References


1 Kings 10:1
The queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's fame. She traveled to Jerusalem to test him with difficult questions.
2 Chronicles 9:1
The QUEEN OF SHEBA heard about Solomon's reputation. So she came to Jerusalem to test him with difficult questions. She arrived with a large group of servants. They had camels carrying spices, a large quantity of gold, and precious stones. When she came to Solomon, she talked with him about everything she had on her mind.
Luke 11:31
The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation. She will condemn them for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon and one greater than Solomon is here now.
Acts 8:27
He went and an Ethiopian eunuch (government official), a man of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem to worship.


1 Kings 3:9
Give me the wisdom I need to rule your people with justice. Help me know the difference between good and evil. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of yours?
1 Kings 4:29
God gave Solomon great wisdom and insight, and knowledge too great to be measured.
1 Kings 5:12
Jehovah kept his promise and gave Solomon wisdom. There was peace between Hiram and Solomon for they made a treaty with each other.
1 Kings 10:4
When the queen of Sheba perceived all the Wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built,

General references

Matthew 12:6
I say to you, one greater than the Temple is here.
Luke 11:30
Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites; the Son of man will be a sign to this generation.
John 4:12
Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well. He and his children and cattle drank from it.