1 "For the kingdom of heaven is like an owner of an estate who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 When he had contracted with the laborers at twenty cents a day, he sent them off to his vineyard. 3 He went out again about nine o'clock and found others standing around doing nothing. 4 So he said to them, 'You too go out to my vineyard, and I will pay you what is right.' And they went. 5 Again he went out about twelve o'clock and three o'clock, and did as before. 6 About five he went out again and found still others standing around, and he said to them, 'Why have you been standing here all day doing nothing?'
7 They answered him, 'Because nobody has hired us.' He said to them, 'You too go out to my vineyard.' 8 "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, 'Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
9 And they who had been hired at five o'clock came and received twenty cents each. 10 And those who were hired first, when they came, supposed that they would receive more, but they too received twenty cents each. 11 And as they received it, they began to grumble against the owner of the estate, 12 and say, 'These last worked only one hour, and yet you have put them on the same footing with us who have borne the heavy burdens and scorching heat of the day.'
13 But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am doing you no injustice. Did you not contract with me at twenty cents? 14 Take what belongs to you and go. I want to give this man hired last as much as I do you. 15 Have I not the right to do what I please with my own money? Or, is your eye causing you to be covetous, because I am generous?
16 So those who are last now will be first then, and those first will be last."
17 And as Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside, and said to them while on the road, 18 "Listen! We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be turned over to the high priests and the scribes, and they will sentence Him to death, 19 and turn Him over to the heathen to mock and flog and crucify, but on the third day He will rise again."
20 Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came up to Him with her sons, kneeling to Him and asking a favor of Him. 21 And He asked her, "What do you want?" She answered Him, "Give orders that these two sons of mine may sit one at your right and one at your left in your kingdom."
22 But Jesus answered, "You do not realize what you are asking for. Can you drink the cup that I am about to drink?" They answered, "Yes, we can."
23 He said to them, "You will drink the cup that I am to drink, but seats at my right and at my left are not mine to give, but they will be given to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father." 24 When the other ten heard of it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called them to Him and said, "You know that the rulers of the heathen lord it over them, and their great men rule as despots over them. 26 It is not to be so among you, but whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to hold first position among you must be your slave, 28 just as the Son of Man has come, not to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom price to set many free."
29 As they were leaving Jericho, a great crowd followed Him. 30 And two blind men sitting by the roadside heard that Jesus was passing and cried out, "Do pity us, Lord, you Son of David!" 31 The crowd reproved them and urged them to keep quiet, but they cried out all the louder, "Do pity us, Lord, you Son of David!"
32 And Jesus stopped and called them, and asked, "What do you want me to do for you?"
33 They answered Him, "Lord, we want our eyes opened!" 34 Then Jesus' heart was moved with pity, and He touched their blinded eyes, and at once they could see again, and followed Him.