Matthew 23:6

They also love the most honorable places at suppers, and the first seats in the synagogues,

James 2:1-4

My brethren, do not hold the faith of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, so as to show a partiality for persons.

Matthew 20:21

He said to her: What do you wish? She said to him: Command that these two sons of mine may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left, in thy kingdom.

Mark 12:38-39

And he said to them in his teaching: Beware of the scribes, who love to walk in robes, and love salutations in the markets,

Luke 11:43-54

Alas for you, Pharisees! for you love the chief seat in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.

Luke 14:7-11

And he spoke a parable to those who had been invited, when he observed how they were choosing the first places at table; and he said to them:

Luke 20:46-47

Beware of the scribes, who delight to walk in robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the first seats in the synagogues, and the first places at suppers;

Romans 12:10

in love to the brotherhood, be kindly affectionate one to another; in showing honor, be examples one to another;

3 John 1:9

I wrote to the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not.

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