Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.

General references

Bible References


Matthew 21:38
But when the tenant farmers saw the son, they said to one another, 'This is the heir [to the vineyard]. Come on, let us kill him so we can take over his inheritance.'
Acts 7:57
But they shouted loudly and refused to listen, and then all of them rushed at him.
Acts 17:5
But [other] Jews became jealous and, recruiting certain ungodly riffraff, they gathered a mob and brought the city to near-riot conditions. They [even] attacked Jason's house and attempted to bring Paul and Silas before the [assembly of] people.
Acts 21:28
shouting, "[You] Israelites, help [us]! This man is teaching people everywhere [to be] against our people [i.e., the Jews], the law of Moses and this place [i.e., the Temple]; and in addition to that he has also brought Greeks [i.e., Gentiles] into the Temple and has [thereby] contaminated this holy place."
Acts 22:22
The people had listened to Paul speaking up to this point [i.e., until he said the word "Gentiles"], then they raised their voices and shouted, "Do away with such a person from the earth; it is not right for him to live."
Acts 23:10
And when a serious debate broke out, the commander was afraid that Paul might [virtually] be torn apart by the mob, so he ordered his soldiers to go down [to the Council meeting] and forcibly remove Paul and take him to the battalion headquarters.

General references

Luke 23:13
Then Pilate called together the leading priests, the [Jewish] leaders and the people,
Acts 13:28
They asked Pilate to have Him put to death, even though they could not find any [legitimate] reason to execute Him.