Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

General references

Bible References

To destroy the law

Luke 16:17
And it is easier that heaven and earth pass away, than one tittle fall from the law.
John 8:5
Acts 6:13
and they raised up false witnesses, saying, This man does not cease speaking words against this holy place and the law;
Acts 18:13
saying, This one persuades men to worship God contrary to law.
Romans 3:31
Then do we make void the law through faith? It could not be so: but we establish the law.
Romans 10:4
For Christ is the end of the law unto righteousness to every one who believes.
Galatians 3:17
And I say this; The law which was given after four hundred and thirty years, does not disannul the covenant which had been before confirmed of God, so as to make the promise of none effect.

General references

Matthew 11:13
For all the prophets and the law prophesied till John.