Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Shall break
The least
General references
Bible References
Shall break
Galatians 3:10
For there is a curse upon all who rely on obedience to the Law, for the Scripture says, "Cursed be anyone who does not stand by everything that is written in the Book of the Law and obey it."
James 2:10
For anyone who obeys the whole of the Law but makes one single slip is guilty of breaking it all.
Matthew 23:23
"Alas for you, you hypocritical scribes and Pharisees, for you pay tithes on mint, dill, and cummin, and you have let the weightier matters of the Law go??ustice, mercy, and integrity. But you should have observed these, without overlooking the others.
Luke 11:42
But alas for you Pharisees! For you pay tithes on mint, rue, and every tiny herb, and disregard justice and the love of God. But you should have observed these, without neglecting the others.
Shall teach
Matthew 15:3
But he answered, "Why do you too break God's command for the sake of what has been handed down to you?
Matthew 23:16
Alas for you, you blind guides, who say, 'If anyone swears by the sanctuary, it does not matter, but if anyone swears by the gold of the sanctuary, it is binding.'
Romans 3:8
And why not say, as people abuse us for saying and charge us with saying, "Let us do evil that good may come out of it"? Such people will be condemned as they deserve!
Romans 6:1
Then what shall we conclude? Are we to continue to sin to increase the spread of mercy?
1 Timothy 6:3
Anyone who teaches different views and does not agree with the wholesome instruction which comes from our Lord Jesus Christ, and with religious teaching
Revelation 2:14
Yet I hold it somewhat against you that you have among you some adherents of the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entrap the children of Israel into eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols, and into immoral practices.
The least
Matthew 11:11
"I tell you, among men born of women no one greater than John the Baptist has ever appeared. And yet those who are of little importance in the Kingdom of Heaven are greater than he.
Matthew 28:20
and teach them to observe all the commands that I have given you. I will always be with you, to the very close of the age."
Acts 1:1
In my first volume, Theophilus, I dealt with all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning
Romans 13:8
Owe nobody anything??xcept the duty of mutual love, for whoever loves his fellow-men has fully satisfied the Law.
Galatians 5:14
For the whole Law is summed up in one saying: "You must love your neighbor as you do yourself."
Philippians 3:17
Follow my example, brothers, all of you, and notice those who follow the pattern we have set you.
Philippians 4:8
Now, brothers, let your minds dwell on what is true, what is worthy, what is right, what is pure, what is amiable, what is kindly??n everything that is excellent or praiseworthy.
1 Thessalonians 2:10
You will testify, and God will, how pure and upright and irreproachable our relations were with you who believed.
1 Thessalonians 4:1
Now, brothers, we ask and entreat you, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to live as you learned from us that you must live, to please God??s indeed you are doing, only do it more and more.
1 Timothy 4:11
This is what you must urge and teach.
1 Timothy 6:11
But you, man of God, must fly from these things. Strive for uprightness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.
Titus 2:8
and present a wholesome, unobjectionable message, so that your opponent may be put to shame at finding nothing bad to say about us.
Titus 3:8
This is a trustworthy teaching, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who believe in God may make it their business to do good. All this is right and beneficial to mankind.
Matthew 19:28
Jesus said to them, "In the new world, I tell you, when the Son of Man takes his seat on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit upon twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel!
Matthew 20:26
It is not to be so among you, but whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant,
Luke 1:15
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He will drink no wine or strong drink, but he will be filled with the holy Spirit from his very birth,
Luke 9:48
and said to them, "Whoever welcomes this child on my account is welcoming me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes him who has sent me. For it is the lowliest among you all who is really great."
Luke 22:24
A dispute also arose among them, as to which one of them ought to be considered the greatest.
1 Peter 5:4
and when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the glorious wreath that will never fade.
General references
Matthew 22:36
"Master, what command is greatest in the Law?"