Proverbs 24:12

If thou shalt say, Behold, we knew not this; will not he trying hearts, understand? and he guarding thy soul, knew? and he turned back to man according to his work.

Job 34:11

For the work of man shall he recompense to him, and a man shall find himself according to his way.

1 Samuel 16:7

And Jehovah will say to Samuel, Thou shalt not look upon his aspect or upon the height of his stature; for I rejected him: for not what man will see, for man will see with the eyes, and Jehovah will see at the heart

Proverbs 21:2

Every way of a man right in his eyes: and Jehovah will prepare hearts.

Ecclesiastes 5:8

If thou shalt see the oppression of the poor one, and the spoiling of judgment and justice in a province, thou shalt not wonder at the inclination: for the high one above the high one is watching, and the high ones over them.

Revelation 2:23

And her children will I kill in death; and all the churches shall know that I am he searching the reins and hearts: and I will give to you each according to our works.

Psalm 62:12

And to thee, O Jehovah, mercy: for thou wilt recompense to each according to his work.

Psalm 121:3

He will not give to move thy foot: he watching thee will not slumber.

Psalm 121:8

Jehovah shall watch thy going out and thy coming in, from time and even forever.

Romans 2:6

Who will give back to each according to his works:

1 Samuel 2:6

Jehovah killing and giving life; bringing down to hades and bringing up.

1 Samuel 25:29

And a man will rise to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: and the soul of my lord was bound up in the bundle of lives with Jehovah thy God; and the soul of thine enemies he will sling out in the midst of the hand of the sling.

Psalm 7:9

Now shall the evil of the unjust come to an end; and thou wilt direct the just one: for the just God tried hearts and reins.

Psalm 17:3

Thou didst try my heart; thou didst review the night; thou didst refine me, thou wilt find nothing: I purposed, my mouth shall not pass by.

Psalm 44:21

Will not God search this out? for he knew the secrets of the heart

Psalm 66:9

He set our soul in life, and he gave not our feet to waver.

Proverbs 5:21

For before the eyes of Jehovah are the ways of man, and he makes level all his tracks.

Jeremiah 17:10

I Jehovah searching the heart, trying the reins, to give to each according to his way, according to the fruit of his doings.

Jeremiah 32:19

Great of counsel, and vast of doing: for thine eyes being opened upon all the ways of the sons of men to give to each according to his ways, and to the fruit of his doings:

Daniel 5:23

And against the Lord of the heavens thou didst lift up thyself; and for the vessels of his house they brought before thee, and thou and thy nobles, and thy wives, and thy concubines, drinking wine in them; and to the gods of silver and gold, brass, iron, wood, and stone, who see not, and hear not, and know not, thou didst praise: and to the God whom thy breath in his hand, and all thy ways to him, thou didst not honor.

Matthew 16:27

For the Son of man is about to come in the glory of his Father with his messengers; and then he will give back to each according to his deed.

Acts 17:28

For in him we live, and move, and are; as certain of the composers among you have said, For we also are his race.

Romans 2:16

In the day when God shall judge the concealed things of men according to my good news by Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 4:5

Therefore judge ye nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who also, will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of hearts: and then shall praise be to each from God.

2 Corinthians 5:10

For we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ; that each might receive the things for the body, for what he did, good or bad.

Hebrews 4:12-13

For the word of God living, and effective, and more piercing than any two-mouthed sword, and penetrating even to the division both of soul and spirit, both the joints and marrows, and a critic of the reflections and thoughts of the heart.

Revelation 1:18

And he living, and I was dead; and, behold, I am living for the times of times, Amen; and have the keys of hades and of death.

Revelation 2:18

And to the messenger of the church among the Thyatirians write; Thus says the Son of God, having his eyes as a flame of fire, and his feet like the brass of Lebanon;

Revelation 20:12-15

And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is of life: and the dead were judged from the things written in the books, according to their works.

Revelation 22:12

And behold, I come swiftly; and my reward with me, to give back to each as shall be his work.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

General references

Bible References

Doth not he that

Proverbs 5:21
For before the eyes of Jehovah are the ways of man, and he makes level all his tracks.
Proverbs 21:2
Every way of a man right in his eyes: and Jehovah will prepare hearts.
1 Samuel 16:7
And Jehovah will say to Samuel, Thou shalt not look upon his aspect or upon the height of his stature; for I rejected him: for not what man will see, for man will see with the eyes, and Jehovah will see at the heart
Psalm 7:9
Now shall the evil of the unjust come to an end; and thou wilt direct the just one: for the just God tried hearts and reins.
Psalm 17:3
Thou didst try my heart; thou didst review the night; thou didst refine me, thou wilt find nothing: I purposed, my mouth shall not pass by.
Psalm 44:21
Will not God search this out? for he knew the secrets of the heart
Ecclesiastes 5:8
If thou shalt see the oppression of the poor one, and the spoiling of judgment and justice in a province, thou shalt not wonder at the inclination: for the high one above the high one is watching, and the high ones over them.
Jeremiah 17:10
I Jehovah searching the heart, trying the reins, to give to each according to his way, according to the fruit of his doings.
Romans 2:16
In the day when God shall judge the concealed things of men according to my good news by Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 4:5
Therefore judge ye nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who also, will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of hearts: and then shall praise be to each from God.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God living, and effective, and more piercing than any two-mouthed sword, and penetrating even to the division both of soul and spirit, both the joints and marrows, and a critic of the reflections and thoughts of the heart.
Revelation 2:18
And to the messenger of the church among the Thyatirians write; Thus says the Son of God, having his eyes as a flame of fire, and his feet like the brass of Lebanon;

That keepeth

1 Samuel 2:6
Jehovah killing and giving life; bringing down to hades and bringing up.
1 Samuel 25:29
And a man will rise to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: and the soul of my lord was bound up in the bundle of lives with Jehovah thy God; and the soul of thine enemies he will sling out in the midst of the hand of the sling.
Psalm 66:9
He set our soul in life, and he gave not our feet to waver.
Psalm 121:3
He will not give to move thy foot: he watching thee will not slumber.
Daniel 5:23
And against the Lord of the heavens thou didst lift up thyself; and for the vessels of his house they brought before thee, and thou and thy nobles, and thy wives, and thy concubines, drinking wine in them; and to the gods of silver and gold, brass, iron, wood, and stone, who see not, and hear not, and know not, thou didst praise: and to the God whom thy breath in his hand, and all thy ways to him, thou didst not honor.
Acts 17:28
For in him we live, and move, and are; as certain of the composers among you have said, For we also are his race.
Revelation 1:18
And he living, and I was dead; and, behold, I am living for the times of times, Amen; and have the keys of hades and of death.

And shall

Job 34:11
For the work of man shall he recompense to him, and a man shall find himself according to his way.
Psalm 62:12
And to thee, O Jehovah, mercy: for thou wilt recompense to each according to his work.
Jeremiah 32:19
Great of counsel, and vast of doing: for thine eyes being opened upon all the ways of the sons of men to give to each according to his ways, and to the fruit of his doings:
Matthew 16:27
For the Son of man is about to come in the glory of his Father with his messengers; and then he will give back to each according to his deed.
Romans 2:6
Who will give back to each according to his works:
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ; that each might receive the things for the body, for what he did, good or bad.
Revelation 2:23
And her children will I kill in death; and all the churches shall know that I am he searching the reins and hearts: and I will give to you each according to our works.
Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is of life: and the dead were judged from the things written in the books, according to their works.
Revelation 22:12
And behold, I come swiftly; and my reward with me, to give back to each as shall be his work.

General references

Matthew 24:39
And knew not till the inundation came, and took them all away; so also shall be the arrival of the Son of man.