Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net.

General references

Bible References

He lieth

Psalm 17:12
His likeness, is as a lion, that longeth to rend, and as a young lion, lurking in secret places.
Psalm 59:3
For lo! they have lain in wait for my life, Mighty ones stir up strife against me, Without transgression of mine, and without sin of mine, O Yahweh;
Micah 7:2
Perished is the man of lovingkindness out of the earth, and, upright among men, is there none, - they all, for bloodshed, lie in wait. Every man - for his brother, do they hunt as for one devoted to destruction.
Acts 23:21
Thou, therefore, do not be persuaded by them, for there are lying in wait for him, from among them, more than forty men, - who, indeed, have bound themselves under a curse, neither to eat nor drink, till they have killed him; and, now, are they ready, awaiting the promise, from thee.


Lamentations 3:10
A bear lying in wait, he is to me, a lion, in secret places;
Amos 3:4
Will a lion roar in the forest, when, prey, he hath none? Will a young lion utter his voice out of his den, when he hath made no capture?
Nahum 2:11
Where is the lair of the lions? Yea the very feeding-place of the young lions, - where walked the lion, the lioness, the lion's whelp, with none to make them afraid?
Zechariah 11:3
The noise of the howling of the shepherds, for spoiled is their majesty, - The noise of the roaring of the young lions, for spoiled are the proud banks of the Jordan.

To catch

Jeremiah 5:26
For there have been found among my people lawless men, - One lieth in wait, as with the stooping of fowlers, They have set a trap, they capture men:
Ezekiel 19:3
And she reared up one of her whelps - A young lion, he became, And he learned to rend prey. Men, he devoured.
Habakkuk 1:15
All of which, with a hook, one bringeth up, raketh together with his drag, and hath gathered with his net, -
John 10:12
The hireling, even because he is no shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, vieweth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, - and, the wolf, seizeth them and scattereth, -

Poor, when

Psalm 12:5
Because of violence done to the poor, because of the crying of the needy, Now, will I arise! O may Yahweh say, - I will place him in safety - let him puff at him!
Psalm 35:10
All my bones, shall say - O Yahweh, who is like unto thee? Rescuing the oppressed from one stronger than he, Yea the oppressed and the needy, from their spoiler.
Psalm 37:14
A sword, have the lawless, drawn out, and have trodden their bow, - To bring down the oppressed and the needy, To slaughter the upright in life:
Psalm 109:31
Because he standeth at the right hand of the needy, To save, from them who would pass sentence on his life.
Job 5:15
But he saveth from the sword, out of their mouth, and, out of the hand of the strong, the needy.
Proverbs 14:31
The oppressor of the poor, hath reproached his Maker, but he that sheweth favour to the needy, is one who, holdeth Him in honour.
Proverbs 22:16
He that oppresseth the poor, to make increase for himself, giving to the rich, shall surely come to want.
Proverbs 28:15
A growling lion, and a ranging bear, is a lawless ruler, over a poor people.
Isaiah 3:15
What right have ye to crush my people, And the faces of the oppressed, to grind? Demandeth My Lord Yahweh of hosts - And Yahweh saith -
Isaiah 32:7
Yea, a knave, his weapons are wicked, - He, base schemes, hath devised To ruin the oppressed with speeches of falsehood Even when the needy pleadeth, for justice.
Ezekiel 22:29
The people of the land have exacted oppression, and seized plunder,- Even the afflicted and the needy, have they maltreated, And the sojourner have they oppressed without justice.
Amos 2:6
Thus, saith Yahweh, Because of three transgressions of Israel, and because of four, will I not turn it back, - Because they have sold - for silver - the righteous, and the needy - for a pair of shoes:
Amos 5:11
Therefore - because ye have trampled on the poor, and, the gift of corn, ye would take away from him, though, houses of hewn stone, ye have built, Yet shall ye not dwell in them, - Though, delightful vineyards, ye have planted, Yet shall ye not drink the wine of them.
Habakkuk 3:14
Thou hast pierced, with his own staves, the head of his chiefs, they storm along, to scatter me, - their exultant thought, is, in very deed, to devour the oppressed one, in a secret place!

General references

Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not commit murder.
Matthew 2:7
Then Herod, privately, calling the wise men, ascertained from them the time of the appearing star;