Psalm 141:1

Chanting to David. O Jehovah, I called to thee; hasten to me; give ear to my voice in my calling to thee.

Psalm 70:5

And I am poor and needy: O God, hasten to me, my help and my deliverer; thou, O Jehovah, wilt not delay.

Psalm 40:13

Be gracious, O Jehovah, to deliver me: hasten, O Jehovah, to help me.

Job 7:21

And why wilt thou not lift up my transgression and pass over mine iniquity? for now I shall lie down to the dust; and thou soughtest me and I was not

Psalm 22:19

And thou, O Jehovah, wilt not be far off: O my strength, hasten to help me.

Psalm 69:17-18

And thou wilt not hide thy face from thy servant; for straits are to me.: hasten to answer me.

Psalm 71:12

O God, thou wilt not be far off from me: my God, hasten for my help.

Psalm 143:1

Chanting to David. O Jahovah, hear my prayer, give ear to my supplication: in thy faithfulness answer me; in thy justice.

Psalm 143:7

Quickly answer me, O Jehovah: my spirit failed: thou wilt not hide thy face from me: I was made like those going down to the pit.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


{A Psalm of David.} LORD, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee.

General references

Bible References

Make haste

Psalm 40:13
Be gracious, O Jehovah, to deliver me: hasten, O Jehovah, to help me.
Psalm 69:17
And thou wilt not hide thy face from thy servant; for straits are to me.: hasten to answer me.
Psalm 70:5
And I am poor and needy: O God, hasten to me, my help and my deliverer; thou, O Jehovah, wilt not delay.
Psalm 71:12
O God, thou wilt not be far off from me: my God, hasten for my help.
Psalm 143:7
Quickly answer me, O Jehovah: my spirit failed: thou wilt not hide thy face from me: I was made like those going down to the pit.
Job 7:21
And why wilt thou not lift up my transgression and pass over mine iniquity? for now I shall lie down to the dust; and thou soughtest me and I was not

General references

Psalm 88:2
My prayer shall come before thee: incline thine ear to my wailing;