Parallel Verses

New American Standard Bible

The righteous cry, and the Lord hears
And delivers them out of all their troubles.

King James Version

The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

Holman Bible

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
and delivers them from all their troubles.

International Standard Version

The LORD hears those who cry out, and he delivers them from all their distress.

A Conservative Version

They cried, and LORD heard, and delivered them out of all their troubles.

American Standard Version

The righteous cried, and Jehovah heard, And delivered them out of all their troubles.


When the righteous cry [for help], the Lord hears
And rescues them from all their distress and troubles.

Bible in Basic English

The cry of the upright comes before the Lord, and he takes them out of all their troubles.

Darby Translation

The righteous cry, and Jehovah heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

Julia Smith Translation

They cried and Jehovah heard, and he delivered them from all their straits.

King James 2000

The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Lexham Expanded Bible

They cry out and Yahweh hears and delivers them from all [of] their troubles.

Modern King James verseion

The righteous cry, and Jehovah hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale

The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth them, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

NET Bible

The godly cry out and the Lord hears; he saves them from all their troubles.

New Heart English Bible

They cried, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

The Emphasized Bible

They made outcry, and Yahweh heard, And, out of all their straits, hath he rescued them.


The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

World English Bible

The righteous cry, and Yahweh hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Youngs Literal Translation

They cried, and Jehovah heard, And from all their distresses delivered them.

Verse Info

Context Readings

The Lord Delivers The Righteous

16 Ain The anger of the LORD is against those that do evil to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord hears
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 Tzaddi The LORD is near unto those that are of a broken heart and saves such as are of a contrite spirit.

Cross References

Psalm 34:6

Vau This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.

2 Chronicles 32:20-21

And for this cause Hezekiah, the king, and the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven.

2 Chronicles 32:24

In those days Hezekiah was sick unto the death and prayed to the LORD, who responded to him and gave him a sign.

Psalm 34:15

Samech The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

Psalm 34:19

Koph Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD shall deliver him out of them all,

Psalm 91:15

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and glorify him.

Psalm 145:18-20

Koph The LORD is near unto all those that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.

Isaiah 65:24

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Acts 12:5-11

Peter therefore was kept in the prison, and the congregation made prayer without unto God for him.

King James Version Public Domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit

American Standard Version Public Domain

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain