Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Psalm 73:25
Who have I in heaven but you? I desire none on earth except you.
Psalm 143:6
I stretch out my hands to you for I long for you, like a parched land.
Genesis 32:26
He said to him: Let me go now, for the dawn is near. But Jacob said: I will not let you go till you have given me your blessing.
2 Chronicles 31:21
Hezekiah incorporated Moses' teachings and commands into worship and dedicated his life to serving God. Whatever he did for the worship in God's Temple, he did wholeheartedly, and he succeeded.
Song of Songs 3:2
I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets. I will seek the one I love in the streets and broad ways. I sought him, but I did not find him.
Isaiah 26:9
I yearn for you in the night. In the morning I long for you with all my being. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.
Matthew 11:12
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been man's goal, and men of violence have attempted to take it by force.
Luke 13:24
Strive to go in through the narrow door. Many people will try to go in and will not be able.
Luke 18:5
However this widow bothers me. For this reason I will avenge her. If she keeps coming to me she will wear me out.


Psalm 18:35
You have given me the shield of your salvation. Your right hand supports me. Your gentleness (humility) (meekness) makes me great.
Psalm 37:24
When he falls, he will not be thrown down headfirst because Jehovah holds on to his hand.
Psalm 73:23
Nevertheless I am continually with you. You hold me by my right hand.
Psalm 94:18
If I should say: My foot has slipped, your loving kindness, O Jehovah, will hold me up.
Song of Songs 2:6
His left hand is under my head. His right hand embraces me.
Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear for I am with you! Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.'
Isaiah 42:1
Here is my servant, whom I have strengthened. Here is the one I have chosen, with whom I am pleased. I have filled him with my Spirit, and he will bring justice to every nation.
Philippians 2:12
My beloved, you have always obeyed, not just in my presence, but now much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Colossians 1:29
I work hard to get this done. I use the mighty strength Christ supplies. It is at work in me.

General references

Deuteronomy 4:4
But all of you who were faithful to Jehovah your God are still alive today.
Psalm 139:10
Even there your hand will lead me. Your right hand will lay hold of me.