Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge on someone who has wronged you, but leave it up to God's wrath [to take care of it], for it is written [Deut. 22:35], "The Lord says, I will pay people back [for doing wrong] because taking revenge belongs to me."
Hebrews 10:30
For we know God, who said [Deut. 32:35], "Revenge belongs to me; I will pay back [for wrongdoing]." And again [Deut. 32:36], "The Lord will judge His people."
Romans 13:4
For they are servants of God for your good. But you should be afraid if you do what is evil, because they do not carry the sword [i.e., for executing criminals] for nothing. For they are servants of God who take revenge [on wrongdoing] by punishing the person who does evil.
Matthew 5:39
But I tell you, do not offer resistance to an evil person, but whoever hits you on the right side of the face, allow him [to hit you] on the other side also.
Romans 12:17
Do not [try to] pay back a wrong done to you by doing something wrong to the other person. Think about how to live honorably in front of all people.
Luke 6:27-29
But I tell you people who are listening [to me], love your enemies and do good things to those who hate you.
Luke 9:55-56
But He turned to them and spoke sternly. {{Some manuscripts add "You do not know what kind of a spirit you represent,
Romans 12:14
Ask God's blessing on people who persecute you, instead of cursing them.
1 Thessalonians 4:6
And none of you should violate and exploit his brother [or sister] in such a matter. For the Lord will punish people for all these things, just as we told you before and warned you.