Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;

To please

Bible References


Ephesians 6:5
Bondmen, obey masters according to flesh, with fear and trembling, in simplicity of your heart as to the Christ;
Colossians 3:22
Bondmen, obey in all things your masters according to flesh; not with eye-services, as men-pleasers, but in simplicity of heart, fearing the Lord.
1 Timothy 6:1
Let as many bondmen as are under yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and the teaching be not blasphemed.
1 Peter 2:18
Servants, be subject with all fear to your masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the ill-tempered.

To please

Ephesians 5:24
But even as the assembly is subjected to the Christ, so also wives to their own husbands in everything.

General references

Genesis 30:29
And he said to him, Thou knowest how I have served thee, and what thy cattle has become with me.
Genesis 31:6
And you know that with all my power I have served your father.
Romans 15:2
Let each one of us please his neighbour with a view to what is good, to edification.
1 Corinthians 12:22
But much rather, the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary;