'Tear Down Their Altars' in the Bible
Rather, you will tear down their altars, and you will break their stone pillars, and you will cut off their Asherah poles.
Instead, this is what you are to do to them: tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, cut down their Asherah poles, and burn up their carved images.
Tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, burn up their Asherah poles, cut down the carved images of their gods, and wipe out their names from every place.
You are not to make a covenant with the people who are living in this land, and you are to tear down their altars. But you have not obeyed Me. What is this you have done?
Their hearts are divided; from now on they are to be found guilty. God will tear down their altars, he will destroy their stone idols.
Tear Down Their Altarsnot in King James Version