Ezekiel 22:23-31 - Indictment Of A Sinful Land

23 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 24 "Thou son of man, tell her, 'Thou art an unclean land, which is not rained upon in the day of the cruel wrath: 25 thy Prophets that are in thee are sworn together to devour souls, like as a roaring Lion that liveth by his prey. They receive riches and good, and make many widows in thee. 26 Thy priests break my law, and defile my Sanctuary. They put no difference between the holy and unholy, neither discern between the clean and unclean: they turn their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I am unhallowed among them.

27 Thy rulers in thee are like ravishing wolves, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, for their own covetous lucre. 28 As for thy Prophets, they daub with untempered clay, they see vanities, and prophesy lies unto thee, saying, 'The LORD God sayeth so,' where as the LORD hath not spoken. 29 The people in the land useth wicked extortion and robbery. They vex the poor and needy and oppress the stranger against right. 30 And I sought in the land for a man, that would make up the hedge, and set himself in the gap before me in the lands behalf, that I should not utterly destroy it: but I could find none. 31 Therefore will I poured out my cruel displeasure upon them, and burn them in the fire of my wrath: their own ways will I recompense upon their heads, sayeth the LORD God.'"