Job 30:24-31 - Job Says: I Am Being Punished By God
24 Now use not men to do violence unto them, that are destroyed already; but where hurt is done, there use they to help. 25 Did not I weep in the time of trouble? Had not my soul compassion upon the poor? 26 Yet nevertheless, whereas I looked for good, evil happened unto me; and whereas I waited for light, there came darkness. 27 My bowels seeth within me, and take no rest, for the days of my trouble are come upon me. 28 Meekly and lowly came I in, yea and without any displeasure; I stood up in the congregation, and communed with them. 29 But now I am a companion of dragons, and a fellow of ostriches. 30 My skin upon me is turned to black, and my bones are burnt with heat; 31 my harp is turned to sorrow, and my pipe to weeping.