Psalm 119:145-152 - Qoph
145 {Kuf} I call with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD. I will keep thy statutes. 146 Yea, even upon thee do I call; help me, and I shall keep thy testimonies. 147 Early in the morning do I cry unto thee; for in thy word is my trust. 148 Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might be occupied in thy words. 149 Hear my voice, O LORD, according unto thy loving-kindness; quicken me, as thou art wont. 150 They draw nigh that of malice persecute me, and are far from thy law. 151 Be thou nigh at hand also, O LORD, for all thy commandments are true. 152 As concerning thy testimonies, I have known ever since the beginning that thou hast grounded them for ever.