Reference: Aner
1. One of Abraham's allies in the pursuit of Chedorlaomer and the rescue Lot, Ge 14:13.
2. A Levitical city, in Manasseh, 1Ch 6:70.
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a boy. (1.) A Canaanitish chief who joined his forces with those of Abraham in pursuit of Chedorlaomer (Ge 14:13,24).
(2.) A city of Manasseh given to the Levites of Kohath's family (1Ch 6:70).
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1. City of Manasseh, W. of Jordan; of the Kohathites (1Ch 6:70); Jos 21:25, "Tanach," of which "Aner" may be the corruption.
2. One of the three Hebronite chiefs who helped Abraham against the four invading kings (Ge 14:13,24).
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1. One of the three Amorite chieftains, the other two being Mamre and Eshcol, who were in covenant with Abraham (Ge 14:13,24). As Mamre is an old name for Hebron (Ge 23:2), and Eshcol is the name of a valley not far from Hebron (Nu 13:23), it is natural to suppose that Aner also was the name of a locality which gave its name to a clan. 2. (1Ch 6:70 only).
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1. Amorite confederate with Abraham against Chedorlaomer. Ge 14:13,24.
2. A town of Manasseh, west of the Jordan assigned to the Levites. 1Ch 6:70. Identified with Ellar, about 35 6' N, 32 22' E.