Reference: Burnt offering
(14.) Hebrew olah; i.e., "ascending," the whole being consumed by fire, and regarded as ascending to God while being consumed. Part of every offering was burnt in the sacred fire, but this was wholly burnt, a "whole burnt offering." It was the most frequent form of sacrifice, and apparently the only one mentioned in the book of Genesis. Such were the sacrifices offered by Abel (Ge 4:3-4, here called minhah; i.e., "a gift"), Noah (Ge 8:20), Abraham (Ge 22:2,7-8,13), and by the Hebrews in Egypt (Ex 10:25).
(15.) The law of Moses afterwards prescribed the occasions and the manner in which burnt sacrifices were to be offered. There were "the continual burnt offering" (Ex 29:38-42; Le 6:9-13), "the burnt offering of every sabbath," which was double the daily one (Nu 28:9-10), "the burnt offering of every month" (Nu 28:11-15), the offerings at the Passover (Nu 28:19-23), at Pentecost (Le 23:16), the feast of Trumpets (Le 23:23-25), and on the day of Atonement (Le 16).
(16.) On other occasions special sacrifices were offered, as at the consecration of Aaron (Ex 29) and the dedication of the temple (1Ki 8:5,62-64).
(17.) Free-will burnt offerings were also permitted (Le 1:13), and were offered at the accession of Solomon to the throne (1Ch 29:21), and at the reformation brought about by Hezekiah (2Ch 29:31-35).
(18.) These offerings signified the complete dedication of the offerers unto God. This is referred to in Ro 12:1. (See Altar, Sacrifice.)
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olah, "what ascends" in smoke to God, being wholly consumed to ashes. Also kaliyl, "perfect." Part of every offering was burnt in the sacred fire, the symbol of God's presence; but this was wholly burnt, as a "whole burnt offering." In Ge 8:20 is the first mention of it; Throughout Genesis it is seemingly the only sacrifice (Ge 15:9,17; 22:2,7-8,13). It was the highest of gifts to God (eucharistic, prosforai, "offerings," Hebrew minchsh), representing entire, unreserved dedication of the offerer, body, soul, spirit, will, to God (Ps 40:8-9; Heb 10:5-6). The other kind of "sacrifices," namely, propitiatory (thusiai) and sin offerings, are distinct (Heb 10:8-9; compare Ex 10:25; 1Sa 15:22).
Other "gifts" to God were of a lower kind, only a part being given; as the meat (not flesh, but flour, etc.) offering, which was unbloody, and the peace offering, a thank offering (1Ki 3:15; 8:64; Ps 51:17,19). The most perfect surrender of human will to God's is that of Jesus in the temptation, and agony, and on Calvary; the antitype to the whole burnt offering (Heb 5:1-8). This could only be offered by one free from sin; therefore the sin offering always came first (Ex 29:36-38; Le 8:14,18; 9:8,12; 16:3,5). So, only when we are first reconciled by Christ's atonement for our sin to God, can we "present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God" (Ro 12:1).
A "meat offering" (flour and oil, fruits of the earth) accompanied the burnt offering; for when men dedicated themselves wholly to God they also dedicated the earthly gifts which He had given them (Le 9:16-17). It was to be brought of the offerer's own free will, and slain by himself, after he had laid his hands on its head, to mark it as his representative; a young bullock, or he goat, era turtle dove, or pigeon (if the person was poor), not to be divided in offering it. The skin alone was reserved.
There was a daily burnt offering, a lamb of the first year, every morning and evening (Ex 29:38-42); that for the sabbath double the daily one; the offering at the new moon of the three great feasts, Passover, pentecost, and tabernacles; also on the great day of atonement and the feast of trumpets; private burnt offerings at the consecration of a priest, etc., etc. (Ex 29:15) They were offered in vast numbers at Solomon's dedication of the temple; but ordinarily were restricted in extent by God, to preclude the idea of man's buying His favor by costly gifts. Jephthah's vow was without divine warrant, and due to the half paganism of his early life (Jg 11:4).
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Burnt offering.
The word is applied to the offering which was wholly consumed by fire on the altar, and the whole of which, except the refuse ashes "ascended" in the smoke to God. The meaning of the whole burnt offering was that which is the original idea of all sacrifice, the offering by the sacrificer of himself, soul and body, to God--the submission of his will to the will of the Lord. The ceremonies of the burnt offering are given in detail in the book of Leviticus. [SACRIFICE]
See Sacrifice