Reference: Caiaphas, or Caiaphas
Ca'iaphas, or Ca-i'aphas
(depression), in full JOSEPH CAIAPHAS, high priest of the Jews under Tiberius.
See Joseph
Mt 26:3,57; Joh 11:49; 18:13-14,24,28; Ac 4:6
The procurator Valerius Gratus appointed him to the dignity, He was son-in-law of Annas. [ANNAS]
See Annas
See Verses Found in Dictionary
The chief priest and the elders of the people assembled at the court of Caiaphas, the high priest.
Those who captured Jesus took him to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest. The scribes and those in authority also gathered there.
Caiaphas the high priest that year said to them: You know nothing at all.
They led him to Annas first for he was father in law to Caiaphas who was high priest that year. Caiaphas was the man who gave counsel to the Jews that it was for their benefit that one man should die for the people.
They lead Jesus from Caiaphas into the Praetorium. It was early and they did not enter directly into the Praetorium, that they might not be defiled, but might eat the Passover.
Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and as many as were of the family of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem.