Reference: Cassia
The bark of an odoriferous tree, from which came one ingredient of the holy oil or ointment, Ex 30:24; Ps 45:8; Eze 27:19.
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(1.) Hebrew kiddah', i.e., "split." One of the principal spices of the holy anointing oil (Ex 30:24), and an article of commerce (Eze 27:19). It is the inner bark of a tree resembling the cinnamon (q.v.), the Cinnamomum cassia of botanists, and was probably imported from India.
(2.) Hebrew pl. ketzi'oth (Ps 45:8). Mentioned in connection with myrrh and aloes as being used to scent garments. It was probably prepared from the peeled bark, as the Hebrew word suggests, of some kind of cinnamon.
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An ingredient in the holy oil used in anointing the high priest (Ex 30:24). An article of Tyre's merchandise (Eze 27:19). The inner bark of an aromatic plant, like cinnamon. Quddah, from qaadad "to split," namely, the stalks. Also Qetsi'owt from qaatsah, to "scrape off" bark. Used in scenting garments (Ps 45:8).
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The bark of an aromatic plant resembling, cinnamon, the Arabian cassia. It was used in the holy anointing oil; and, with myrrh and aloes, will perfume the garments of Christ as King. It was one of the articles of merchandise of Tyre. Ex 30:24; Ps 45:8; Eze 27:19.
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The cassia bark of commerce is yielded by various kinds of Cinnamomum, which grow in different parts of India. The Hebrew word in
is generally supposed to be another term for cassia.