Reference: Dalmatia
A province of Europe on the east of the Adriatic sea, and forming part of Illyricum. It was contiguous to Macedonia, Upper Moesia, and Liburnia, from which latter it was divided by the river Titius. Hither Titus was sent by Paul to spread the knowledge of Christianity, 2Ti 4:10.
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a mountainous country on the eastern shore of the Adriatic, a part of the Roman province of Illyricum. It still bears its ancient name. During Paul's second imprisonment at Rome, Titus left him to visit Dalmatia (2Ti 4:10) for some unknown purpose. Paul had himself formerly preached in that region (Ro 15:19).
The present Emperor of Austria bears, among his other titles, that of "King of Dalmatia."
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A region E. of the Adriatic Sea, forming part of Illyricum. Paul sent Titus there (2Ti 4:10), and had himself preached in the neighborhood (Ro 15:19).
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A mountainous district on the E. coast of the Adriatic Sea. More exactly used, it is the southern half of the Roman province Illyricum (wh. see). The writer of the Second Epistle to Timothy makes Titus journey there (2Ti 4:10).
A. Souter.
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District in Illyricum, on the east of the Adriatic Sea, visited by Titus, and perhaps by Paul, in going 'round about unto Illyricum.' Ro 15:19; 2Ti 4:10.
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a mountainous district on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. St. Paul sent Titus there.
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DALMATIA, a part of old Illyria, lying along the gulf of Venice. Titus preached here, 2Ti 4:10.