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Reference: Pipe


A musical wind instrument, consisting of a tube with holes, like a flute or clarinet, 1Sa 10:5; 1Ki 1:40; Isa 5:12; 30:29; Jer 48:36; Mt 9:23. The double pipe had two tubes, uniting in the mouthpiece; the tube played with the left hand emitting a few deep sounds, and serving as a base. The Scotch Deputation of Inquiry speak of overtaking among the hills of Judea "an Arab playing with all his might upon a shepherd's pipe made of two reeds. This was the first time we had seen any marks of joy in the land, for certainly 'all joy in darkened, the mirth of the land is gone,'" Isa 24:11. See MUSIC.

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(1Sa 10:5; 1Ki 1:40; Isa 5:12; 30:29). The Hebrew word halil, so rendered, means "bored through," and is the name given to various kinds of wind instruments, as the fife, flute, Pan-pipes, etc. In Am 6:5 this word is rendered "instrument of music." This instrument is mentioned also in the New Testament (Mt 11:17; 1Co 14:7). It is still used in Palestine, and is, as in ancient times, made of different materials, as reed, copper, bronze, etc.

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chaliyl, "to bore." Representing wind instruments, as the harp represents "stringed instruments". The pipe single or double, the flute; one of the simplest and oldest of musical instruments, the accompaniment of festivity (1Ki 1:40; Lu 7:32; Isa 5:12), religious services (1Sa 10:5), and processions (Isa 30:29). Also suited by its plaintive softness to mourning (Mt 9:23; Jer 48:36). The "shawm" of which the clarionet is an improvement, may be from chaliyl through the French chalumeau, German schalmeie.

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The simplest of musical instruments, often made of a reed, with holes to vary the notes. They were sometimes double, as seen on the Egyptian monuments, and in present use in Egypt: a number of them fastened together was called an 'organ.' 1Sa 10:5; 1Ki 1:40; Isa 5:12; 30:29; Jer 48:36; Eze 28:13; 1Co 14:7.


(Heb. chalil). The Hebrew word so rendered is derived from a root signifying "to bore, perforate" and is represented with sufficient correctness by the English "pipe" or "flute," as in the margin of

1Ki 1:40

The pipe was the type of perforated wind instruments, as the harp was of stringed instruments. It was made of reed, bronze or copper. It is one of the simplest, and therefore probably one of the oldest, of musical Instruments. It is associated with the tabret as an instrument of a peaceful and social character. The pipe and tabret were used at the banquets of the Hebrews,

Isa 5:12

and accompanied the simpler religious services when the young prophets, returning from the high place, caught their inspiration from the harmony,

1Sa 10:5

or the pilgrims, on their way to the great festivals of their ritual, beguiled the weariness of the march with psalms sung to the simple music of the pipe.

Isa 30:29

The sound of the pipe was apparently a soft wailing note, which made it appropriate to be used in mourning and at funerals

Mt 9:23

and in the lament of the prophet over the destruction of Moab.

Jer 48:36

It was even used in the temple choir, as appears from

Ps 87:7

In later times the funeral and death-bed were never without the professional pipers or flute-players,

Mt 9:23

a custom which still exists. In the social and festive life of the Egyptians the pipe played as prominent a part as among the Hebrews.

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