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So he came to have possessions of flocks gild possessions of herds, and a large body of servants, - and the Philistines envied him.

And, Abimelech, came unto him from Gerar, with Ahuzzath his friend, and Phicol, commander of his host.

And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore have ye come in mite me, seeing that, ye, hated me, and sent me away from you?

And it came to pass, on the same day, that the servants of Isaac came in, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said to him, We have found water!

And it came to pass that Isaac, was old, and his eyes became too dim to see, so he called Esau his elder son and said unto him My son! And he said unto him, Behold me!

Now, therefore, take I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and catch for me game;

Now, Rebekah, was hearkening, when Isaac spake unto Esau his son, and Esau went his way to the field, to catch game, to bring in.

And Jacob said unto his father I, am Esau thy firstborn, I have made ready, as thou didst bid me. Rise, I pray thee, sit up, and eat thou of my game, To the end thy soul may bless me.

Then said Isaac unto Jacob. Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel thee my son - whether, thou thyself, art my son Esau, or not.

So Jacob came near unto Isaac his father, and he felt him; then said he the voice is the voice of Jacob; But, the hands, are the hands of Esau.

So he said, Bring it near to me., that I may eat of the game of my son, To the end my soul may bless thee. And he brought it near to him, and he did eat, and be brought in to him wine, and he drank.

Then Isaac his father said unto him, - Come thou near I pray thee and kiss me my son.

So he came near, and kissed him, and he smelled the smell of his garments and blessed him, - and said. See! the smell of my son, As the smell of a field, which Yahweh hath blessed;

And it came to pass as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob, - yea it came to pass when Jacob, had only just gone forth, from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother, came in from his hunting.

Then, he too, made dainty meats, and brought in to his father, - and said to his father, Let my father rise that he may eat of the game of his son, To the end thy soul may bless me!

Then did Isaac tremble with an exceeding great trembling, and said Who then was it that caught game and brought in to me and I did eat of all ere yet thou didst come in and I blessed him? Yea blessed, shall he remain!

Then he said, Thy brother came in with deceit, - and took away thy blessing.

And on thy sword, shalt thou live, And thy brother, shalt thou serve: But it shall come to pass when thou shalt rove at large, Then shalt thou break his yoke from off thy neck.

and I come back in prosperity unto the house of my father, Then will Yahweh prove to be my God, -

While yet he was speaking with them, Rachel, had come in with the sheep which belonged to her father, for a shepherdess, was she.

And it came to pass when Jacob saw Rachel daughter of Laban, his mothers brother, and the sheep of Laban, his mothers brother, that Jacob went near, and rolled away the stone from off the mouth of the well, and watered the sheep of Laban his mother's brother,

And it came to pass when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his sisters son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fondly kissed him, and brought him into his house, - when he recounted to Laban all these things.

Then said Laban to Jacob, Is it because my brother, thou art, that thou shouldst serve me for naught? Come tell me! What shall be thy wages?

And it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter and brought her in unto him, - and he went in unto her.

And it came to pass in the morning, that lo! it was Leah, - and he said unto Laban, What is this thou hast done to me? Was it not, for Rachel, I served with thee? Wherefore then hast thou deceived me?

And Rachel saw she had borne no children unto Jacob, so Rachel became envious of her sister, - and said unto Jacob, Come! give me children, or else, I die.

and Leah said, Victory hath come! So she called his name Gad.

And Jacob came in from the field, in the evening, so Leah went out to meet him and said: Unto me, shall thou come in, for I have hired, thee, even with the mandrakes of my son. And he lay with her that night,

And it came to pass, when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Let me go that I may take my journey, unto my place, and to my land.

Come, give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee and let me take my journey, - for, thou, knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.

And he said, - Come, fix thy wages for me, that I may give it!

For it was, little I that thou hadst - before I came and then it brake forth into multitude, and Yahweh blessed thee at my every step. Now, therefore, when am, I, also to do something for my own house?

And my righteousness shall answer for me on a future day, when thou shall come in respecting my hire that is before thee, Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and dark-coloured among the young sheep, stolen, shall it be accounted, if found with me.

And he set the reds which he had peeled, in the channels in the troughs of water, - where the flocks came in to drink straight before the flocks, and the females of the flock used to be in heat when they came in to drink;

So it came to pass whensoever the stronger of the flocks were in heat, that Jacob set the rods before the eyes of the flocks in the channels, - that the females might be in heat among the rods;

Thus did the man break forth, exceedingly, - thus came he to have flocks in abundance, and maid-servants, and men-servants and camels and asses.

And it came to pass in the season when the flock were in heat, then lifted I mine eyes and beheld in a dream, - and lo! the he-goats that were leaping upon the flock, were ring-straked speckled and dappled.

So then Laban came up with Jacob, - Jacob, having pitched his tent in the mountain, Laban, also, with his brethren pitched in the mountain of Gilead.

And it was vexing to Jacob and he contended with Laban, - and Jacob responded and said to Laban, What was my trespass, what my sin, that thou shouldst have come burning after me?

Now, therefore, come on! Let us solemnise a covenant, I and thou, - So shall it be a witness betwixt me and thee.

And the messengers returned unto Jacob, saying, - We came in unto thy brother unto Esau, moreover also he is on his way to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.

And he said. Should Esau come upon the one camp, and smite it, yet shall the camp that is left escape.

Deliver me I pray thee out of the hand of my brother out of the hand of Esau, for I, am afraid of him, lest he come in and smite mother as well as sons

And he tarried there that night, and took of that which came to his hand a present for Esau his brother:

but he himself, passed over before them, and bowed himself to the earth seven times, until he had come near unto his brother.

Then came near the handmaids, they - and their children, - and bowed themselves.

Then came near Leah also with her children, - and they bowed themselves. And afterwards, came near Joseph with Rachel, and they bowed themselves,

Let my lord, I pray thee pass over before his servant, and let, me, lead on in my own easy way, at the pace of the cattle that are before me, and at the pace of the children, until that I come in unto my lord, towards Seir.

And Jacob came in peace to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, - when he came in from Padan-aram, - and he encamped before the city.

Now, Jacob, had heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter, but, his sons, happened to be with his cattle in the field, - so Jacob kept quiet until they came in.

Then came forth Hamor, father of Shechem, unto Jacob, - to speak with him.

Now the sons of Jacob came in from the field as soon as they heard, and the men were grieved, and it was vexing to them exceedingly, - for, a disgraceful deed, had he done with Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter, seeing that so, it should not be done.

So then Hamor spake with them saying - As for Shechem my son, his soul hath be-come attached to your daughter, - I pray you give her to him, to wife.

And it came to pass on the third day, when they were in pain, that two of the sons of Jacob Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took each man his sword, and came in upon the city, boldly, - and slew every, male;

Hamor also, and Shechem his son, slew they with the edge of the sword, - and took Dinah out of the house of Shechem, and came forth,

The sons of Jacob, came in upon the slain and plundered the city, - because they had defiled their sister:

And they brake up, - and it came to pass that the terror of God, was on the cities which were round about them, so that they pursued not after the sons of Jacob.

And Jacob came in towards Luz, which was in the land of Canaan, the same, is Beth-el, - he and all the people who were with him.

And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came in from Padan-aram, - and blessed him.

And God said to him - I, am GOD Almighty! Be fruitful and multiply, A nation, and a multitude of nations shall spring from thee, - And, kings, from thy loins, shall come forth;

Then brake they up from Beth-el, and it came to pass when there was yet a stretch of country, to enter into Ephrath, that Rachel was in childbirth, and had hard-labour in her child-birth.

So it came to pass when she was in hard-labour in her child-birth, that the midwife said to her - Do not fear, for this also of thine, is, a son.

And it came to pass when her soul was going forth - for she died, that she called his name Ben-oni, - but, his father, called him, Ben-jamin.

And it came to pass while Israel inhabited that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine; and Israel heard of it. And so the Sons of Israel came to be Twelve.

Then came Jacob unto Isaac his father, to Mature, the city of Arba, - the same, is Hebron, where had sojourned Abraham and Isaac.

And the days of Isaac came to be - n hundred and eighty years.

Then came the sons of Eliphaz to be, - Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz.

Then came the sons of Lotan to be, Hori and Hemam, - And, the sister of Lotan was Timna.

Lo! then, we, were binding sheaves in the midst of the field, when lo my sheaf rose up, yea and took its stand, - and lo! round about came your sheaves, and bowed themselves down to my sheaf.

So he related it unto his father, and unto his brethren, - and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream which thou hast dreamed? Shall we, indeed come in, I, and thy mother and thy brethren, to bow our-selves down to thee to the earth?

So Israel said unto Joseph Are not, thy brethren, feeding the flock in Shechem? Come on! and let me send thee unto them. And he said to him Behold me!

So he said to him - Go, I pray thee, look after the welfare of thy brethren, and the welfare of the flock, and bring me back word. And he sent him from the vale of Hebron, and he came in towards Shechem.

Now, therefore, come! let us slay him and cast him into one of the pits, and we will say A cruel beast, hath devoured him, - And let us see what will become of his dreams.

So it came to pass, when Joseph had come in unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph of his tunic, the long tunic which was upon him,

And when they had sat down to eat bread, they lifted up their eyes and looked, and lo! a caravan of Ishmaelites, coming in from Gilead, - and, their camels, were bearing tragacanth gum, and balsam and cistus-gum, they were going their way, to take them down to Egypt.

Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites; but let not, out own hand, be upon him, for our own brother, our own flesh, is he And his brethren hearkened.

And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down away from his brethren, - and turned aside unto a certain Adullamite, whose, name, was Hirah.

And it came to pass that Er, Judah's firstborn was displeasing in the eyes of Yahweh, - so Yahweh put him to death,

So he turned aside unto her. by the way, and said Grant it! I pray thee, let me come in unto thee! For he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, What wilt thou give me, if thou shouldst come in unto me?

And he said - What is the pledge that I shall give thee? And She said - Thy signet-ring, and thy guard, and thy staff that is in thy hand. So he gave them to her and came in unto her and she conceived by him.

And it came to pass that about three months after, it was told Judah, saying - Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath been guilty of unchastity, moreover also lo! she hath conceived by unchastity. Then said Judah, Bring her forth and let her be burnt.

And, it came to pass at the time of her travail, that lo! twins, were in her womb.

And it came to pass when she was in travail, that one put forth a hand, - so the midwife took and bound upon his hand a crimson thread, saying - This came first!

And so it was that, no sooner had he withdrawn his hand, than lo! his brother had come. And she said, Wherefore hast thou made for thyself a breach? So his name was called Perez.

And afterwards, came his brother, on whose hand was the crimson thread, - so his name was called, Zerah.

And it came to pass that Yahweh, was with Joseph, so that he became a prosperous man, - and was in the house of his lord the Egyptian.

And it came to pass from the time that he made him overseer in his house and over all that he had, that Yahweh blessed the house of the Egyptian, for Joseph's sake, - yea it came to pass, that the blessing of Yahweh, was with all that he had, in the house and in the field;

And it came to pass after these things, that his lord's wife lifted up her eyes unto Joseph, - and she said - Come! lie with me.

And it came to pass, that although she Spake unto Joseph day after day, yet hearkened he not unto her to lie beside her to be with her.

And it came to pass, when, on a certain day, he went into the house to attend to his business, - and there was no man of the household, there in the house,

that she caught him by his garment, saying - Come! lie with me. Then left he his garment in her hand, and fled and gut forth outside,

And it came to pass when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand, - and fled forth outside,

that she cried out to the men of her house and spake to them, saying, Look ye! he hath brought in to us a Hebrew man to insult us, - He came in unto me, to lie with me, so I cried out with a loud voice.

And it came to pass, when he heard that I lifted high my voice, and cried out, then left he his garment beside me, and fled and gut forth outside.

So she laid by his garment beside her, - until his lord should come into his house,

And it came to pass when I lifted high my voice and cried out, then left he his garment beside me, and fled outside.

And it came to pass, when his lord heard the words of his wife which she spake unto him saying, According to these words, hath thy servant done to me, Then was kindled his anger.

And it came to pass that, Yahweh, was with Joseph, and extended unto him lovingkindness, - and gave him his favour in the eyes of the chief of the prison.

And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of the king of Egypt, and the baker, had sinned against their lord the king of Egypt.