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And the earth brought forth herb and grass sowing seed, every one in his kind, and trees bearing fruit and having their seed in themselves, every one in his kind. And God saw that it was good:

And God created great whales and all manner of creatures that live and move, which the waters brought forth in their kinds, and all manner of feathered fowls in their kinds. And God saw that it was good:

And after that the LORD God had made of the earth all manner beasts of the field, and all manner fowls of the air, he brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. And as Adam called all manner living beasts: even so are their names.

And the LORD God made of the rib which he took out of Adam, a woman, and brought her unto Adam.

And it fortuned, in process of time, that Cain brought of the fruit of the earth an offering unto the LORD.

And of this fashion shalt thou make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, and the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

Arise, and walk about in the land, in the length of it and in the breadth, for I will give it unto thee."

and brought again all the goods and also his brother Lot, and his goods; the women also and the people.

And he said unto him, "I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur in Chaldea to give thee this land to possess it."

And I will fetch a morsel of bread, to comfort your hearts withal. And then go your ways, for even therefore are ye come to your servant." And they answered, "Do even so as thou hast said."

And as he prolonged the time, the men caught both him, his wife and his two daughters by the hands; because the LORD was merciful unto him, and they brought him forth and set him without the city.

When they had brought them out, they said, "Save thy life and look not behind thee, neither tarry thou in any place of the country, but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou perish."

And Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle with water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulders with the lad also, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered up and down in the wilderness of Beersheba.

and said, "Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham which ceaseth not to deal mercifully and truly with my master. For the LORD hath brought me the way to my master's brother's house."

And then the man came in to the house: and he unbridled the camels: and brought litter and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet and their feet that were with him,

And I bowed myself, and worshipped the LORD, and blessed the LORD God of my master Abraham which had brought me the right way, to take my master's brother's daughter unto his son.

Then they brought Rebekah their sister on the way, and her nurse, and Abraham's servant, and the men that were with him.

Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of red rice. And he ate and drank and rose up and went his way. And so Esau regarded not his birthright.

Then said Abimelech, "Why hast thou done this unto us? One of the people might lightly have lain by thy wife and so shouldest thou have brought sin upon us."

And Jacob went and fetched them and brought them to his mother. And his mother made meat of them, according as his father loved.

And she put the meat and bread which she had made in the hand of her son Jacob.

But Isaac said unto his son, "How cometh it that thou hast found it so quickly my son?" He answered, "The LORD thy God brought it to my hand."

Then said he, "Bring me and let me eat of my son's venison, that my soul may bless thee." And he brought him, and he ate. And he brought him wine also, and he drank.

and had made also meat, and brought it in unto his father and said unto him, "Arise my father and eat of thy son's venison, that thy soul may bless me."

And Isaac was greatly astonished out of measure, and said, "Where is he then that hath hunted venison and brought it me? And I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him, and he shall be blessed still."

And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will keep me in this journey which I go and will give me bread to eat, and clothes to put on,

And they said, "We may not, until all the flocks be brought together, and the stone be rolled from the well's mouth, and so we water our sheep."

When Laban heard tell of Jacob, his sister's son, he ran against him, and embraced him and kissed him and brought him into his house. And then Jacob told Laban all the matter.

And when even was come, he took Lea his daughter and brought her to him and he went in unto her.

And Reuben went out in the wheat harvest and found mandragoras in the fields, and brought them unto his mother Lea. Then said Rachel to Lea, "Give me of thy son's mandragoras."

And the sheep conceived before the staves, and brought forth streaked, spotted and party.

But in the latter bucking time, he put them not there: so the last brood was Laban's and the first Jacob's.

Then answered Rachel and Lea and said unto him, "We have no part nor inheritance in our father's house:

Wherefore wentest thou away secretly, unknown to me, and didst not tell me, that I might have brought thee on the way with mirth, singing, timbrels and harps,

Whatsoever was torn of beasts I brought it not unto thee, but made it good myself: of my hand didst thou require it, whether it was stolen by day or night.

Then Jacob did sacrifice upon the mount, and called his brethren to eat bread. And they ate bread and tarried all night in the hill.

and said, "If Esau come to the one part and smite it, the other may save itself."

and take my blessing that I have brought thee, for God hath given it me freely. And I have enough of all things." And so he compelled him to take it.

And they departed from Bethel, and when he was but a field breadth from Ephrata, Rachel began to travail. And in travailing she was in peril.

And these are the generations of Jacob. When Joseph was seventeen years old, he kept sheep with his brethren, and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and of Zilpah his father's wives. And he brought unto their father an evil saying that was of them.

And they sat them down to eat bread. And as they lift up their eyes and looked about, there came a company of Ishmaelites from Gilead, and their camels laden with spicery, balm, and myrrh, and were going down into Egypt.

Then as the Midianites merchant men passed by, they drew Joseph out of the pit and sold him unto the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. And they brought him into Egypt.

And they sent that gay coat and caused it to be brought unto their father and said, "This have we found: see, whether it be thy son's coat or no."

And when they brought her forth, she sent to her father-in-law saying, "By the man unto whom these things pertain, am I with child." And said also, "Look whose are this seal, necklace, and staff."

Joseph was brought unto Egypt, and Potiphar - a lord of Pharaoh's, and his chief marshal, an Egyptian - bought him of the Ishmaelites which brought him thither.

And therefore he left all that he had in Joseph's hand, and looked upon nothing that was with him, save only on the bread which he ate. And Joseph was a goodly person and a well favored.

she called unto the men of the house, and told them, saying, "See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to do us shame: for he came in to me, for to have slept with me. But I cried with a loud voice.

And she told him according to these words, saying, "This Hebrews' servant which thou hast brought unto us came in to me to do me shame.

And let Pharaoh make officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years

When now all the land of Egypt began to hunger, then cried the people to Pharaoh for bread. And Pharaoh said unto all Egypt, "Go unto Joseph, and what he saith to you, that do."

And when they had eaten up that corn which they brought out of the land of Egypt, their father said unto them, "Go again and buy us a little food."

And take as much money more with you. And the money that was brought again in your sacks, take it again with you in your hands, peradventure it was some oversight.

And the man did as Joseph bade, and brought them in to Joseph's house.

When they were brought to Joseph's house, they were afraid, and said, "Because of the money that came in our sacks' mouths at the first time, are we brought, to pick a quarrel with us and to lay something to our charge: to bring us in bondage and our asses also."

and as we came to an inn and opened our sacks: behold, every man's money was in his sack with full weight. But we have brought it again with us,

and other money have we brought also in our hands, to buy food, but we cannot tell who put our money in our sacks."

And he said, "Be of good cheer, fear not: Your God and the God of your fathers hath put you that treasure in your sacks, for I had your money." And he brought Simeon out to them,

When Joseph came home, they brought the present into the house to him, which they had in their hands, and fell flat on the ground before him.

And he washed his face and came out and refrained himself, and bade set bread on the table.

And they prepared for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians which ate with him by themselves; because the Egyptians may not eat bread with the Hebrews, for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians.

And they brought rewards unto them from before him: but Benjamin's part was five times so much as any of theirs. And they ate and they drank, and were drunk with him.

Behold, the money which we found in our sack's mouths, we brought again unto thee, out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steal out of my lord's house, either silver or gold?

And unto his father he sent, after the same manner, ten he asses laden with goods out of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with corn, bread and meat: to serve his father by the way.

his sons and his sons' sons with him, his daughters and his sons daughters and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt.

and how they are shepherds," - for they were men of cattle - "and they have brought their sheep and their oxen and all that they have with them.

And Joseph took a part of his brethren: even five of them, and presented them unto Pharaoh.

And Joseph brought in Jacob his father and set him before Pharaoh. And Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

And Joseph made provision for his father, his brethren, and all his father's household, as young children are fed with bread.

There was no bread in all the land, for the dearth was exceeding sore: so that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan, were famished by the reason of the dearth.

And Joseph brought together all the money that was found in the land of Egypt and of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and he laid up the money in Pharaoh's house.

And they brought their cattle unto Joseph. And he gave them bread for horses and sheep, and oxen and asses: so he fed them with bread for all their cattle that year.

Wherefore lettest thou us die before thine eyes, and the land to go to nought? Buy us and our lands for bread: and let both us and our lands be bond to Pharaoh. Give us seed, that we may live and not die, and that the land go not to waste."

And of the increase, ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed to sow the field: and for you, and them of your households, and for your children, to eat."

And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day: that men must give Pharaoh the fifth part, except the land of the priests only, which was not bond unto Pharaoh.

after these deeds, tidings were brought unto Joseph, that his father was sick. And he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

And after I came from Mesopotamia, Rachel died upon my hand in the land of Canaan, by the way: when I had but a field's breadth to go unto Ephrata. And I buried her there in the way to Ephrata which is now called Bethlehem."

And the eyes of Israel were dim for age, so that he could not see. And he brought them to him, and he kissed them and embraced them.

Then took Joseph them both: Ephraim in his righthand, toward Israel's lefthand, and Manasseh in his lefthand, toward Israel's righthand, and brought them unto him.

"Zebulon shall dwell in the haven of the sea and in the port of ships, and shall reach unto Sidon.

Of Asher cometh fat bread, and he shall give pleasures for a king.