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And God made the expanse, and it divided between the waters that were under the expanse and the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so.

And God said - Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together, into one place, and let the dry - ground appear. And it was so.

therefore will I establish my covenant with thee, - and thou shalt enter into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons wives, with thee.

And Yahweh said to Noah, Enter thou and all thy house, into the ark, - for, thee, have I seen righteous before me, in this generation.

Yea the waters, prevailed very greatly, on the earth, - so that all the high mountains became covered, that were under all the heavens:

Come on! let us go down, and there confuse their speech, - that they may not under-stand, each man the speech of his friend.

And it came to pass when he had come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife: Behold! I beseech thee I know that a woman fair to look on, thou art:

And the messenger of Yahweh said to her, Return unto thy lady, - and humble thyself under her hands.

Let there be fetched, I pray thee a little water, and bathe ye your feet, - and rest yourselves under the tree.

And he took butter and milk and the calf that he had made ready, and set before them, - while, he, was standing near them under the tree, they did eat.

Behold, I pray you, I, have two daughters who have not known man, I must needs now bring, them, forth unto you, and do ye to them, as may be good in your eyes, - Only to these men, ye may do nothing; for on this account, have they come under the shade of my roof.

And so it came to pass when the Gods caused me to wander from my fathers house, that I said to her, This, is thy lovingkindness, wherewith thou shalt deal with me, - Into what-soever place we enter, say of me My brother, is he.

And the water out of the skin was spent, - so she cant the child under one of the shrubs;

And Abraham said unto his young men - Tarry by yourselves here with the ass, but I and the young man must go yonder, - that we may bow ourselves down and return unto you.

So Abraham said unto his servant, elder of his house, ruler of all that he had, - Place, I pray thee thy hand under my thigh;

So the servant placed his hand, under the thigh of Abraham, his lord, - and sware to him, over this thing.

So they gave unto Jacob all the gods of the alien which were in their hand, and the earrings which were in their ears, - and Jacob hid them under the oak, which was by Shechem.

And Deborah, Rebekah's nurse died, and was buried below Beth-el, under the oak, - so the name thereof was called, Allon-bacuth.

Then brake they up from Beth-el, and it came to pass when there was yet a stretch of country, to enter into Ephrath, that Rachel was in childbirth, and had hard-labour in her child-birth.

And they said each man unto his brother, Lo! that master of dreams yonder, coming in!

And let them gather up all the food of these seven good years that are coming in, - and let them heap up corn under the hand of Pharaoh as food in cities so shall they keep it.

So then Pharaoh said unto Joseph - Say unto thy brethren This, do, - lade your asses, and go enter into the land of Canaan;

And the days of Israel drew near that he must die, so he called for his son for Joseph and said to him - If, I pray thee I have found favour in thine eyes, place, I pray thee thy hand under my thigh, - so shalt thou deal with me in lovingkindness and faithfulness - Do not I pray thee, bury me in Egypt.

Into their circle, do not thou enter my soul! In their convocation, do not thou join mine honour! For in their anger, they slew brave men, And in their wantonness, they hamstrung oxen.