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And moreover, the king's servants went in to bless our lord king David saying, 'Thy God make the name of Solomon more favoured than thine, and his seat more glorious than thine.' And the king bowed himself upon the bed.

And when I rose up in the morning to give my child suck: see, it was dead. But when I had looked more diligently upon it in the morning: Behold, it was not my son which I did bear."

And king Solomon made of the almug trees pillars in the house of the LORD in the king's palace, and made harps and psalteries for singers. There came no more almug trees so, nor was any more seen unto this day.

Whereupon the king took counsel and made two calves of gold and said unto the people, "Ye shall not need to go any more to Jerusalem. Behold your gods, Israel, which brought you out of the land of Egypt!"

And Jehoshaphat said, "Is there never a Prophet of the LORD's here, more, that we might enquire of him?"