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Then they attacked all the cities around Gerar because the terror of the Lord was on them. They also plundered all the cities, since there was a great deal of plunder in them.

Verse ConceptsVillagesTerror Of God

At that time they sacrificed to the Lord 700 cattle and 7,000 sheep from all the plunder they had brought.

Verse ConceptsHeadsSpoils Of WarSeven To Nine HundredSeven Thousand

Then Jehoshaphat and his people went to gather the plunder. They found among them an abundance of goods on the bodies and valuable items. So they stripped them until nobody could carry any more. They were gathering the plunder for three days because there was so much.

Verse ConceptsSpoils Of Wargatheringjewelry

At the turn of the year, an Aramean army went to war against Joash. They entered Judah and Jerusalem and destroyed all the leaders of the people among them and sent all the plunder to the king of Damascus.

Verse ConceptsInvasions

As for the men of the division that Amaziah sent back so they would not go with him into battle, they raided the cities of Judah from Samaria to Beth-horon, struck down 3,000 of their people, and took a great deal of plunder.

Verse ConceptsThree Thousand And UpTwelve Beings

Then the Israelites took 200,000 captives from their brothers—women, sons, and daughters. They also took a great deal of plunder from them and brought it to Samaria.

Verse ConceptsSlavery, In OtTwo Hundred Thousand And More

The army left the captives and the plunder in the presence of the officers and the congregation.

Then the men who were designated by name took charge of the captives and provided clothes for their naked ones from the plunder. They clothed them, gave them sandals, food and drink, dressed their wounds, and provided donkeys for all the feeble. The Israelites brought them to Jericho, the City of Palms, among their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.

Verse ConceptsBarefeetGiving, Of PossessionsGenerosity, HumanBalmsHelpfulnessNakednessOintmentGold Items For The Tabernacl

Although Ahaz plundered the Lord’s temple and the palace of the king and of the rulers and gave the plunder to the king of Assyria, it did not help him.

Verse ConceptsSacrilege