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and told out three score and ten thousand men to bear burdens and four score thousand to hew in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them.

And this is the foundation of Solomon in building the house of God. The length was three score cubits after the old cubit, and the breadth twenty.

And when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem, he gathered of the house of Judah and Benjamin to the number of nine score thousand choice men of war to fight with Israel, for to bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam.

But Rehoboam loved Maacah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and concubines for he took eighteen wives and three score concubines, and begat three score daughters and twenty eight sons.

with twelve hundred chariots and three score thousand horsemen. And the people were without number that came with him out of Egypt, with them of Libya, and the Sukkiims and the black Moors.

But Azariah the priest went in after him with four score priests of the LORD that were bold men.