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He spreadeth out his tail like a Cedar tree, all his sinews are stiff.

Darest thou draw out Leviathan with an angle, or bind his tongue with a snare?

Darest thou lay hand upon him? It is better for thee to consider what harm might happen thee therethrough, and not to touch him.

Who lifteth him up, and stripeth him out of his clothes, or who taketh him by the bit of his bridle?

His body is covered with scales as it were with shields, locked in, kept, and well compact together.

Out of his mouth go torches and fire brands,

out of his nostrils there goeth smoke, like as out of a hot seething pot.

His breath maketh the coals burn, the flame goeth out of his mouth.

If any man draw out a sword at him, it shall not hurt him: there may neither spear, javelin, nor breast plate abide him.

For who can keep his own counsel so secret, but it shall be known? Therefore have I spoken unwisely, seeing these things are so high, and pass mine understanding.

And then came there unto him all his brethren, all his sisters, with all them that had been of his acquaintance afore, and ate bread with him in his house: wondering at him, and comforting him over all the trouble that the LORD had brought upon him. Every man gave him a sheep and a Jewel of gold.