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He shall keep thee from the perilous tongue so that when trouble cometh, thou shalt not need to fear.

O that thou wouldest keep me, and hide me in the hell, until thy wrath were stilled: and to appoint me a time, wherein thou mightest remember me.

The righteous also will keep his way, and he that hath clean hands, will ever be stronger and stronger.

"Well, thou wilt keep the old way, that all wicked men have gone:

Then shalt thou make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt keep thy promises.

My foot doth keep his path; his highway have I holden, and will not go out of it.

For some men there be, that remove other men's landmarks; that rob them of their cattle, and keep the same for their own;

They are the cause that so many men are naked and bare, having no clothes to cover them and keep them from cold;

"I will teach you in the name of God: and the thing that I have of the Almighty, will I not keep from you.

Even so shall he keep thee - if thou wilt be content - from the bottomless pit that is beneath: and if thou wilt hold the quiet, he shall fill thy table with plenteousness.

Shall it be told him what I say? Should a man speak, or should he keep it back?

I will not keep secret his great strength, his power, nor his comely proportion.

For who can keep his own counsel so secret, but it shall be known? Therefore have I spoken unwisely, seeing these things are so high, and pass mine understanding.