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Now upon a time, when the servants of God came and stood before the LORD, Satan came also among them.

there came a messenger unto Job, and said, "While the oxen were a plowing, and the asses going in the pasture beside them,

the Sabeans came in violently, and took them all away: yea, they have slain thy servants with the sword, and I only ran my way, to tell thee."

And while he was yet speaking, there came another, and said, "The fire of God is fallen from heaven, it hath consumed, and burnt up all thy sheep and servants: and I only ran my way, to tell thee."

In the mean season while he was yet speaking, there came another, and said, "The Chaldeans made three armies, and fell upon thy camels, which they have carried away: yea, and slain thy servants with the sword, and I only am gotten away, to tell thee."

While he was speaking, there came yet another, and said, "Thy sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house,

and suddenly there came a mighty great wind out of the South, and smote the four corners of the house: which fell upon thy children, so that they are dead, and I alone am gotten away, to tell thee."

It happened also upon a time, that when the servants of God came and stood before the LORD, Satan also came among them, and stood before him.

Now when Job's friends heard of all the trouble that happened to him, there came three of them, every one from his own place: namely, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they were agreed together to come, to shew their compassion on him, and to comfort him.

"Alas, why died I not in the birth? Why did not I perish, as soon as I came out of my mother's womb?

For my sighs come before I eat, and my roarings fall out like flowing water.

For the thing that I feared is come upon me: and the thing that I was afraid of, is happened unto me.

But now that the plague is come upon thee, thou shrinkest away: now that it hath touched thyself, thou art faint hearted.

"And unto me came the word secretly, and mine ear hath received a little thereof.

Confounded are they that put any confidence in them: For when they came to obtain the things that they looked for, they were brought to confusion.

Even so are ye also come unto me: but now that ye see my misery, ye are afraid.

"Did I desire you to come hither? Or to give me any of your substance?

For if thou fasten thine eyes upon me, I come to naught like as a cloud is consumed and vanisheth away. Even so, he that goeth down to hell, cometh no more up,

Even so goeth it with all them that forget God: and even thus also shall the hypocrite's hope come to naught.

They that hate thee, shall be confounded, and the dwellings of the ungodly shall come to naught."

If he came by me, I might not look upon him: if he went his way, I should not perceive it.

Shall not my short life come so soon to an end? O hold thee from me, let me alone, that I may ease myself a little

"Hold your tongues now, and let me speak, for there is something come into my mind.

he shall make me whole: And why? There may no hypocrite come before him.

Go from him, that he may rest until his day come: which he looketh for, like as a hireling doth.

May a dead man live again? All the days of this my pilgrimage am I looking, till my changing shall come.

Whether his children come to worship or no, he cannot tell: And if they be men of low degree, he knoweth not.

unto whom only the land was given, that no stranger should come among them.

He shall never come out of darkness, the flame shall dry up his branches, with the blast of the mouth of God shall he be taken away.

Shall not thy vain words come yet to an end? Or, hast thou yet any more to say?

yet the number of my years are come - and I must go the way from whence I shall not turn again.

But if ye will enhance yourselves against me, and accuse me to be a wicked person because of the shame that is come upon me;

His men of war came together, which made their way over me, and besieged my dwelling round about.

The arrow shall be taken forth, and go out at his back; and a glistering sword through the gall of him. Fear shall come upon him.

O that I might see him and find him: O that I might come before his seat,

"For though I go before, I find him not; If I come behind, I can get no knowledge of him;

Before whom hast thou spoken those words? Who made the breath to come out of the mouth?

God forbid, that I should grant your cause to be right! As for me, until mine end come will I never go from my innocence.

The darkness shall once come to an end: he can seek out the ground of all things; the stones, the dark, and the shadow of death.

They fell upon me, as it had been the breaking in of waters, and came in by heaps to destroy me.

Yet nevertheless, whereas I looked for good, evil happened unto me; and whereas I waited for light, there came darkness.

My bowels seeth within me, and take no rest, for the days of my trouble are come upon me.

Meekly and lowly came I in, yea and without any displeasure; I stood up in the congregation, and communed with them.

As for the ungodly and he that joineth himself to the company of wicked doers: shall not destruction and misery come upon him?

All flesh shall come together unto naught, and all men shall turn again unto earth.

Insomuch that they have caused the voice of the poor to come unto him, and now he heareth the complaint of such as are in necessity.

Prolong not thou the time, till there come a night for thee, to set other people in thy stead.

Art thou of counsel with God, when he doth these things? When he causeth the light to come forth of his clouds?

saying, 'Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further, and here shalt thou lay down thy proud and high waves.'

Out of whose womb came the ice? Who hath gendered the coldness of the air?

He abideth in the stony rocks, and upon the high tops of hard mountains, where no man can come.

One is so joined to another, that no air can come in:

And then came there unto him all his brethren, all his sisters, with all them that had been of his acquaintance afore, and ate bread with him in his house: wondering at him, and comforting him over all the trouble that the LORD had brought upon him. Every man gave him a sheep and a Jewel of gold.